A few days ago I ordered some mini frames online and they ended up being bigger then I expected. I played around with them and made 2 super cute pendants! Here's some pics!
I'm inlove with the one on the pink plastic chain. If you luff it too you can buy it in my shop =->.
I'm super tired. I only got a few hours sleep yesterday since Bambi woke me up scratching on my door because she's scared of heavy rain lol. I watched my new Barbie and the Rockers video..haha I love 80's cartoonz! My favorite part is when they show them dancing with their mouths moving for like 2 minutes straight but they're not singing at the time..and then there's lips singing along to the music and toootttallllly off..It's amazing I need more videoz!
I'm going to try and get both custom purses I have left fniished tomm..Hmm..I hope I can do it! Time for beddddd.