Jul 05, 2007 14:14
The 4th of July is probably my favorite holiday. Pure freedom, pyrotechnics, and everything awesome. It's great. :)
In other news, summer is going well. And as much as I love everyone around here...I'm ready for some change and adventure and I cannot wait to move to NYC. Because even if I fuck up my major, I can always switch, and I'll still be in the city. So, whatever. (However, their absence policy is INTENSE. And basically, if I miss more than a week of class due to illness, I'm kicked out of the program. SWEET! AKA I can't get injured. Not like I'm freaking out, or anything.)
Anyway. I'm off to work on my re-reading of all the Harry Potter books...I swear, after the last one comes out, I'll stop being so antisocial. Maybe.
Also, I re-discovered pandora.com. I forgot about it, but it's great.
That is all.