Poetry MADNESS!!!

May 24, 2004 22:51

Scotty and Matt wrote me poems today. First i wrote Scotty an ickle ode:

Ode to Scotty:

Oh Scotty
You're so hotty
Would score you
and more too

then he wrote me a poem:

Oh my Frooty
Such a cutie
I wanna bang you
and suck your wang too

tee hee hee, he said "wang"

then Matt wrote me a haiku:

Frooty Bazooty
Doc Scotso and Mister Q
Sounds like a good time

LOL, i thought that was funny and no-ones ever written me a haiku before. Matt and Scotty are crazier than Mariah Carey in Crazyland on the Crazy Cars ride on Crazyday!!!!

That is seriously all that has happened to me in 2 days, my life has been sucked up into an abyss and do you know what the vaccum cleaner was what sucked it???!?!?!?! It was study!!!!! DAMN YOU STUDY!!!!!!!!!

Godammit why are there no fecking emoticons in lj? I cant live without them (they're my heroin )

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