Nov 22, 2003 11:47
who was the last that;;
slept in your bed: me
saw you cry: i don't remember
spent the night at your house: um, katelyn maybe
you shared a drink with: in ceramics 2 boys were drinking my seirra mist
you went to the movies with: sister+her friend+ mom+ dad
you went to the mall with: haven't been in a while
yelled at you: mother
sent you an e-mail: this guy that sends me these funny emails
said they were going to kill you:my sister.
have you ever;;
said "i love you" + meant it? yes
gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc? is it possible?
been to new york? nope
been to florida? nope
california? yeah i've been there a few times.
hawaii? nope
mexico? yes.
china? nope
canada? i have a shirt from canada
danced naked? haha
got a really bad feeling about something then it happened? of course. that always happens
wished you were the opposite sex? sometimes
had an imaginary friend? i don't think so
this or that;;
red or blue: red
spring or fall: fall
santa or rudolph: rudolph
math or english: English, math sucks
what are you going to do after you finish this survey? sit here and freeze.
what was the last food you ate?pizza
are you bored? in a way
how many buddies are on? 16 -1 cause it's me. haha
last movie you saw? bottle rocket- owen and luke wilson. it was funny
last noise you heard? tv.
last time out of the state? uhhh last summer i believe?
what do you think of ouija boards? waste of time
what book are you reading now? waiting for christopher [good book]
what's on your mouse pad? don't use one
favourite magazine? whatever comes to me with adam brody on it.
what is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? what the time is
how many rings before you answer? ususally 2-3 & on my cell i try to pick up asap.
future son's name? something really cute
future daughter's name? i don't want any girls but if so, it would also be a cute one
chocolate or vanilla? swirl of that o ya
do you sleep with a stuffed animal? they sleep next to me.
if you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? a job where i layed around all day in a hamock and got payed.
are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? i try to be left, but im a righty
do you type with your fingers on the right keys? i dont really understand that?
what's under your bed? boxes of old school stuff.
favorite sport to watch? i've only watched soccer recently and it's good if your friends are on the team
your hair color: brown/blond i think
eye color: changes like blue/gray/green/specks of gold..blah
height currently: i have no idea. hopefully above 5'4
glasses/contacts: nope
current age: 16
siblings: yes
siblings age: 12,19,21
location: hb.
college plans: not sure
any piercings: earlobes
best friend:who ever
boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
hobbies: anything to keep me entertained for the moment.
what type automobile do you drive: haha, you don't want to know.
are you timely or always late: usually late.
do you like being around people: if i'm in the mood for it.
have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: mmm dont think so
have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: yeah. it was stupid though
do you have a "type" of person you always go after: yeah, but it doesn't matter.
do you have a job: soon maybe
ever liked a close guy/girl friend: not recently thta i can recall
are you lonely right now: no i'm with my dog thank you. =\
ever afraid you'll never get married: that's realy not one of my worries at the moment.
do you want to get married: yes.
do you want kids: yes.
room in house: the living room
type of music: everything but country.
day of the week: thursday
color: green, white, black
perfume or cologne: adidas on me and tommy or something expensive on guys.
flower: yellow or white rose
month: november/december
season: winter.
location for dates: doesn't matter
in the last 48 hours, have you;;
cried: nope
bought something: yeah bought me and jeremy subway
gotten sick:yes, i've been sick for a week and a half now. =(
sang: yeah. i sing to myself in the car cause i'm cool liek that.
said i love you: i might of..
wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: nope
met someone new: yes.
moved on: no?
talked to someone: ya
had a serious talk: not really
missed someone: yes
hugged someone: yes
kissed someone: nah
fought with your parents: nope
dreamt about someone you can't be with: yeah whenever i watch the oc <3. jk, no.
had a lot of sleep: no.
name 3 habits you have:
1. asking the same questions over and over
2. twirling my hair
3. chewing on my fingernails
name 4 scents you love:
1. colone..esp on guys
2. shampooo
3. the laundry sheets that go in the dryer
4. sharpies. jk i dont know
name 3 animals you like:
1. anything cute
name 6 television shows you love:
1. the simpsons
2. friends
3. fear factor
4. the oc
5. extreme makeover
6. jamie kennidy experiment
Name 3 bands/genres/artists most people don't know you like:
1. yellowcard
2. eminem ;)
3. piebald..whoo
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
1. water
2. cherry pepsi
3. sierra mist
name some random facts about yourself:
1. i wish all my hair would fall out.
2. i suck at math
3. i only get sick once a year usually
4. my toes are always cold
5. i can mix up some ill rhymes. hah.
6. i can drive, legally.
7. i like kermit.
who was the last person...
you touched? hugged my dad
you talked to? dad
you hugged?dad
you instant messaged? duffy/halfen/hoyle
you yelled at? sister. stupid sister sprayyed me with the hose. who does that?
you laughed with? my brother+older sister
you had a crush on? that one guy, you know?
who broke your heart? haha. my heart is fine.
do you:
colour your hair? nope
have tattoos? yeha, big OC on my back
piercings? yeah
own a web cam? nope
have AOL? nope
what should you be doing right now? not being sick
what are you listening to? the keyboard making noises
chicken or fish? fish is beat.
do u have a favorite animal? dogs