(no subject)

Sep 03, 2007 00:10

i haven't posted on lj in a long time. nor have i logged in at all.
somebody make me a margarita.

Step 1: Put your music player, or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post your favorite line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING! And cheating is BAD!

1. we sold our clothes to the state, i don't mind i don't mind. i made a lot of mistakes in my mind in my mind (this is easy)

2. why do i bother when you're not the one for me? is enough enough? (hahahaha)

3. i just found a friend in one of your lies to treat me so nice i can't believe my bones.

4. cuz maybe my mom's right, our good deeds won't save us. just true faith in jesus. so in the name of her lord, let's do what we shouldn't some more.

5. my actions are orchestrated from above. so i swing and i sway wave your hand kick my leg and it's always right with the music.

6. i wish i had a socket set to dismantle this morning. just one pair of clean socks, and a photo of you. when you get off work tonight, meet me at the construction site and we'll write some notes to tape to the heavy machines. (this song makes me so happy)

7. carbon monoxide as i take you home. first time i get my socks on right but i don't have a gas mask on.


9. god, give us love in the time that we have.

10. some minor thought fell from the sky. nobody wants that either. paper model plane glued to your spine severing off your feelings.

11. whatever we are now seem hardly aware of what we're used to being, of what we planned on being.

12. i find a fatal flaw in the logic of love and go out of my head. you love a sinking stone that'll never elope so get used to the lonesome. girl, you must atone some. don't leave me no phone number there.

13. we're just two human beings individually with inherent interest in each other and how we relate.

14. under the iron bridge we kissed, and although I ended up with sore lips, it just wasn't like the old days anymore. no, it wasn't like those days.

15. you were right about the stars. each one is a setting sun.

16. we can't dance, we don't talk much, we just ball and play, but then we move like tigers on vaseline.

17. i don't know why you treat me so bad, think of all the things we could have had. love is an ocean that i can't forget my sweet sixteen i would never regret.

18. i've got a couple books on tape and a fresh pack of cigarettes.

19. i'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert but i can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime.

20. there's things i remember and things i forget i miss you i guess that i should. three thousand five hundred miles away, but what would you change if you could?
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