Log Log it's big it's heavy it's wood

Dec 07, 2006 22:59


Who: Ed and Mello
What: Sex in a cheap motel between two hot blondes in leather. :D
Where: Ed's cheap motel room bed!
When: Sometime before Ed actually admitted to it?
Why: . . . do we really need a reason for two hot blondes in leather having sex?
Warnings: In case you couldn't tell from the pr0n-worthy description and the "Why" portion of this intro, there is, as a matter of fact, sex involved. That means NC-17, send the kiddles to bed!

Mello pulled into a parking space at a far higher speed than most would consider safe, braked, and killed the engine. He sat there for a moment before climbing off the bike, though he was sure Ed had heard him pull up. After he'd messed things up so badly for Rukia, was he really sure he should be doing this? But Toushirou was right, he hadn't meant to, and God knew something fun might make him feel better. At least a hotel likely had a mirror, so he could take the bike rather than borrowing Matt's car. He took a deep breath, walked to the correct door, and knocked.

Ever since coming back from Envy's abandoned hotel, Edward hadn't been able to thinking about anything but the memories that the homunculus had unwittingly brought up -- not to mention what the bastard had done. He couldn't have fallen asleep after than even if he hadn't known there would only be nightmares waiting for him when he did. So, instead, Edward had shed his jacket and boots and taken his hair out of its usual braid and put it up in a simple ponytail instead, just trying to get as comfortable as possible. He'd been lying on his bed with his laptop open in front of him, watching the screensaver, when he heard the knock on his door. He'd nearly forgotten that Mello was supposed to be coming over, so he was a little surprised when he saw the other blonde on the other side of the door. "Oh, hey," he said, stepping aside to let Mello in.

Mello smiled at him as he walked inside. Oh yes, Ed was definitely attractive. How was it that he really didn't seem to know that? He felt better already. Although... Ed looked a bit distracted and his eyes were shadowed. "How's it going?"

Edward closed and locked the door, more out of habit than that he really thought there was much danger for him while he was there. "Not bad, I guess," he replied with a shrug and went to close his laptop since he hadn't even been using it anyway. "Could be better," he added, "could be a hell of a lot worse. Y'know, the usual. What about you?"

Mello shrugged in return and sat on the bed casually. "Yeah, about the same. No one's dying, so could be worse. But... yeah, things could be better. Seems we get one thing fixed and then something else goes wrong." He looked at Ed again, more closely. "So how are you getting along so far from home? Do you like it here?" Might as well just be friendly at first; maybe they could both use the time to relax a bit. He'd never spent time alone with Ed before and after what happened last night... well, he was nervous and a bit on edge.

Edward plopped himself down on the bed next to Mello and collapsed backwards on it, bending his remaining arm beneath his head and closing his eyes. "You mean so far from my world?" he corrected with a small smirk. "It's not so bad; it's really just getting used to the technology. But I've been wandering around for the past three years without anywhere to really call a home, so I've never really found it that hard to get along in a new place. Though I guess it's a little easier when you know a couple people from the area," he added, cracking open an eye and grinning at Mello. "And that aren't trying to kill you."

"True, but this has to be something different. Somewhere with different technology and where "state alchemist" means nothing... Like how we were in Soul Society. It takes some adapting." Mello looked at Ed lying back on the bed and wondered if he were deliberately trying to tempt him. Did Ed find him attractive? He honestly had no idea. For now, he moved a little closer, and grinned. "Yeah, that helps. And hey, at least here you can go out wearing pants without being stared at like you're some kind of monster!"

At that, Edward couldn't help but look at Mello like he might have just admitted to thinking he was a monster. "They don't wear pants where you're from?" he asked jokingly and reached over to nudge Mello's knee with his own. "Never woulda guessed that the way you love your pants. Or maybe that's just why you like 'em so much."

Mello grinned in response. "What, you don't like them? And here I thought you were copying my style!" He laughed, but didn't miss the opportunity to admire how Ed looked in his pants. "Don't you remember those awful robes we had to wear the first time you saw us?" He made a face and stretched out next to Ed, turned on his side so he could look at him. Did he realize how intimate this was?

Edward snorted. "Yeah right. Like I haven't been wearing 'em since long before I ever even knew you existed," he retorted and turned his head so he could smirk at the other blonde. "And yeah, I do remember those . I just thought you liked walkin' around like a coupla hospital patients."

"Yeah, right." Mello grinned. "Didn't you notice everyone there wore those damn things? You'd think it was a toga party!" All right, that was just too much temptation. There they were, on a bed together, Ed's face was inches from his... and wasn't he here to show him how attractive he was? He closed the distance between them and kissed him, gently at first, prepared to back off or deepen it, depending on his reaction.

Considering what had just happened with Envy, Edward wasn't even sure what his reaction should be. Mello most definitely wasn't Envy, and this kiss was nothing like the one that the homunculus had tried to share with him. But it was still unknown territory. And, he realized, there were other people to consider. Thinking of Matt and the way he and Mello interacted was what finally made Edward pull away, his face bright red as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Mello, aren't you- . . . " he couldn't get the words out so he started again. "I thought that you and Matt- . . . " That was apparently all his mouth would allow out, so hopefully the other blonde would understand what he was trying to say. And if it wasn't the case, then Edward would feel like a complete idiot; but then again it wouldn't be the first time.

Mello smiled at Ed, suddenly feeling oddly confident and almost happy. Odd how this was the one thing he was comfortable with. "Yeah. But we're not exclusive or anything." Though it still bothered some people; he knew that. He just didn't know if Ed would be one of them. "Did you not like it?"

Not exclusive, huh? Edward knew very well what that meant since his commanding officer was just about the very definition of the phrase. He couldn't quite group Mello in with Mustang, though; not like that anyway. He glanced back at the older blonde and felt his face burn up even more darkly so he quickly turned away again, ducking his head and fisting his hand in the comforter. "I didn't say that," he muttered, more out of embarrassment than anything else.

Mello grinned. "So you did." Not that he'd really doubted it. "It's not quite how I intended to show you that you're sexy... but you were just too tempting like that." He stretched slowly, seductively, and smiled at him, waiting to see how he'd react. This was definitely promising.

Edward snorted, managing to be sarcastic in even the face of something so unfamiliar that was embarrassing him more than he could ever remember being (aside from the incident with Envy). "So do you do this a lot?" he asked jokingly. "Go around kissing impressionable teenagers to show them how sexy they are? Or am I just special?"

"So you're impressionable, are you?" Interesting that he'd call himself that. Mello didn't think he would ever have used the term for himself, even when he was. "Don't you already know you're special? That whole prodigy thing, after all." He sat up, leaning back and supporting himself with his arms. "So, want me to do it again?"

"I was being sarcastic," Edward retorted blandly. He couldn't really even remember a time when he'd been all that impressionable, and the word definitely didn't apply to him anymore. The question was a horrible one, though; mostly because he would feel ridiculous saying yes. He considered Mello for a moment and then turned his eyes across the room, his feet kicking lightly at the carpet. "You seem like that type that should be able to tell that kind of thing," he mumbled vaguely."

"I can." Mello moved closer, put his arms around Ed, and kissed him again, slowly, still gentle, but insistent. "I just wanted to give you a chance to say no if you wanted," he whispered afterwards, raising one hand to caress the younger boy's cheek. He was here for... well, he wasn't quite sure what he was here for anymore, but he definitely wasn't going to force anyone.

If Mello really thought that he could force Edward to do anything then he was clearly off his rocker, but Edward didn't really feel as if he needed to be forced into this anyway. The kiss was just so gentle and . . . completely opposite of Envy's, and it helped that it was impossible for Mello to be related to him. Edward tried to return the kiss with what little knowledge he had and his hand unconsciously lifted to Mello's shoulder. His eyes blinked open when he realized that the older blonde was talking to him and he just smirked (since his face couldn't get any redder anyway). "You knew I wasn't gonna say no when you first decided to come over."

"I didn't, actually," Mello admitted. "I did have plans for if you wouldn't. Less fun plans, but it still might have made you reconsider whether or not you're attractive." Did he really seem that confident? Well, maybe he did. It wasn't true, certainly not anymore, but he could talk a good game. Smiling, he took Ed's hair out of the ponytail and spread it over his shoulders, running his fingers through it. "You have beautiful hair, you know." Idly, he wondered how he managed to braid it with only one arm, but he certainly wasn't rude enough to ask.

Edward smirked but he was still blushing and he turned slightly away from Mello and shrugged. "It's not that much different than your hair. It's just longer." He supposed that Mello had nice hair too, but how was he supposed to tell? He'd never really looked at hair that way. Before, hair was just something that people happened to have and that was too much of a pain to cut, for him, but helped him identify other people.

"Mmm, mine hasn't been this nice in awhile." It hadn't; ever since he'd been hurt, the ends had been ragged and he hadn't bothered to trim them, just leaving it to grow out like that. He had more important things to do... and it hid more of the scars like this.

Still smiling, hiding the dark direction of his thoughts behind his expression, he tucked long blond hair behind an ear, then leaned forward to lick the rim and then carefully suck on the lobe before lightly grazing it with his teeth. What did Edward like, gentle, or rough? He probably didn't even know himself.

There was a sharp intake of break when Edward first felt that tongue on his ear and he didn't even realize as he held it and his hand tightened just the smalled bit on Mello's shirt. All of the little sensations and reactions he was feeling were completely foreign to him, and he knew that Mello knew that but a small part of him felt the need to point this out to the older blonde. He'd never really thought too much about it himself, but working with a bunch of grown military men, it was hard not hear things and he knew that some people were freaked out by that kind of thing. He found himself hoping that Mello wasn't that type. "It's probably a stupid question," he mumbled, "but you know I've never done anything like this before, right?"

"I know." Mello looked at him and smiled. "I'll stop if you want me to, any time. But it's okay. Everyone has a first time." He didn't expect Ed to know anything or to do anything, not unless he wanted to. Mello didn't mind.

"Believe me," Edward replied with an even larger smirk, "you'll know if I want you to stop. I can't say I've ever been accused of being subtle, but I'll try not to leave any permanent damage." Of course that was an exaggeration, since he certainly didn't want to hurt Mello and wouldn't unless it was an accident or the older blonde gave him a reason to (which he highly doubted). He couldn't really say, though, at that point, that he wanted to stop. He was completely embarrassed by the situation, so it was a possibility; but he couldn't deny that, now that the idea had been put in his head and he'd gotten a little taste, Edward was definitely curious and he was nothing if not an eager and willing student when he was curious.

"I'd prefer you didn't," Mello replied, grinning. Not that he doubted Ed could do it; he'd had to accept lately that he was far more fragile and vulnerable than he was used to thinking of himself. But he didn't think he would; he didn't really seem the type to do that without cause. And unless Envy had convinced Ed to be a pawn of Light, too, he didn't have cause.

But he didn't want to think of Envy now. So he moved closed and kissed Ed again, most passionately this time, one arm around his waist while his other hand caressed his thigh.

A small moan was surprised out of Edward's throat when he found himself being kissed again. He did his best to return it and he tried to follow Mello's lead, though it was a little difficult since he had no idea what he was doing. His eyes closed, though, and he paid attention to what Mello was doing so that he would know. Just in case there might ever be a next time.

"Relax," Mello said softly, with a small smile. "There won't be a quiz later." He turned his head to kiss just beneath Ed's ear, then sucked there a moment, moving down his neck with a trail of small nips while a hand toyed with the hem of his shirt, not lifting it yet, but considering it. He tried not to leave marks, but it was hard; he wasn't used to having to worry about it.

Edward swore that his face would never return to its normal shade again and he would have to change his second name to the Tomato Alchemist or something equally as lame. "Easy for you to say," he retorted, grumbling just a bit at himself and his lack of ability to even pretend he was confident. "I think I'd probably have an easier time with a quiz . . . "

"I suppose I could give one if that would make you more comfortable." Mello laughed, imagining it. "Though I think it might make you even more embarrassed." Still grinning, he licked along his collarbone and then gently bit his shoulder just above it. "Or would you like it if I told you to do whatever you wanted to me?"

Mello was probably right, and Edward was too preoccupied with the older blonde's tongue and mouth to really argue the point anyway. The offer, though, might have been a bit more tempting if Edward actually thought that he'd know what to do; but since he'd just gotten his first kiss earlier (regardless of whether it was thanks to his brother or not), he knew he'd be pretty much clueless. "That's okay, really," he said, his head tilting to the side to give Mello more room, "I think I've made enough of an idiot out of myself today."

"Hmm? Why do you say that?" Mello wasn't really paying close attention to the alchemist's words, despite his question; he was far too busy nibbling on his shoulder and neck, alternately sucking, kissing, and biting, exploring to see where he was most sensitive. He slid a hand under his shirt and caressed his stomach lightly, almost absently, with his fingertips. He was trying to go slowly, since this was Ed's first time, and he didn't want to scare him off.

He shouldn't have said anything. Edward didn't want to think about what had happened with Envy; not when he had Mello's mouth and hands wandering all over him. He was getting a little breathless and his hand dropped from Mello's shirt to the bed so he could hold himself up. "'Cause it's true," he said, hoping that Mello would just drop the subject. "I'd only make an idiot out of myself if I actually tried to do anything."

Normally, Mello would have noticed that Edward was avoiding something, but right now, he wasn't paying enough attention. "That's not true," he answered, only considering what he'd said instead of what he didn't say. "You can experiment with me... I don't mind." He stopped for a moment to remove a glove, using his teeth just for the effect, and smirking while he did it. "You can lie down if you want to; it might be more comfortable." He intended to make it far more difficult for him to hold himself up soon enough.

At least he wasn't going to be pressed with was fine with Edward. Mello was enough to focus on anyway. Edward swallowed hard as he watched the older blonde take off his glove and he wasn't even entirely sure why. He was only taking off his glove! That shouldn't send an army of butterflies into his stomach! And that was another thing: Edward hadn't felt butterflies in years, but these were different than he remembered because it felt like they were burning up inside of him. He didn't know when he'd done it, but Edward realized a moment later that he was lying down on the bed, his hand fiddling with the blankets a bit nervously.

Mello tugged Edward's shirt up and nuzzled his stomach. "That's better," he whispered against the skin, flicking his tongue against it. He left a trail of kisses across his waist and bit right above his hipbone, sucking where he had just bitten. Here, he could leave marks if he wanted, or at least he hoped he could.

Edward gasped when he felt the older blonde significantly further down his body than before and he bit down on his lip trying not to squirm. It was a bit difficult, though, when he realized that his body was getting a little overeager and he naturally tried to hide it. He heard a breathy little moan come from somewhere . . . and then bit down on his knuckles when he realized it had come from him.

"You don't have to be quiet," Mello breathed, nuzzling just under his ribs. "No one else will hear." At least he didn't think anyone would. Not that Mello ever cared, but Edward was obviously shy about it. He shoved his shirt higher and licked a nipple, just a quick brush with his tongue. "You have a wonderful body. I don't know how you don't see it."

Somehow, Edward doubted that no one would hear if they were loud since he could hear the people in the rooms on either side of his sometimes when they were being too loud. Well what did he care what they thought anyway? It wasn't like they were from his world or anything. He still kept his fist shoved in his mouth, though. "Well I don't really ogle myself in the mirror every morning," he retorted, his voice a bit strained on top of being muffled. Usually what he saw when he looked in the mirror was the sacrifice he'd made for his brother and so his goals.

"I had intended to show you... maybe later, when we're not so... busy." He really should try to show Edward what everyone else saw when they looked at him, but he had no desire to stop what he was doing at the moment. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, trailing fingernails over a hipbone. Really, he clearly put a lot of work into his body and yet he didn't appreciate

uberFLIKness: Edward whimpered around his hand and it was such a pathetic little sound that he'd almost thought that it hadn't come from him. Or maybe that had been wishful thinking because you were only supposed to whimper when you were in excruciating pain and just couldn't help yourself. What Mello was doing to him was hardly excruciatingly painful, however (and he should know); yet he just couldn't help all of the little sounds and noises coming out of his throat as his body arched just barely into Mello's mouth and hands.
chocomachinegun: Mello grinned at his whimper. He really was wonderfully responsive; it was surprising no one had discovered it before. "So tell me, Edward, do you touch yourself? Do you know what you like?" he breathed over wet, sensitive skin, before moving to suck the other nipple, too.
uberFLIKness: Being so distracted by what Mello was doing to him, Edward's brain registered the question, at first, and automatically responded for him without bothering him to actually think about it. "Yes . . . " Of course he did eventually catch up. "Wait, what? I mean no! I mean . . . sometimes . . . ? Wait, I- . . . . What the hell kinda question is that anyway?!" He wished he had his other hand since just the one wasn't quite big enough to hide his face in.

Mello looked up at him and smiled. "I just wanted to know if you knew what you liked. Would you prefer to be licked...?" He demonstrated on the nipple at his lips. "Sucked? Bitten?" Each time, he suited action to the words. "Do you want me to use my nails?" He scratched them lightly down one side to his waist as an example.

"I-I don't know!" Edward mumbled as indignantly as he could manage once he'd gotten his breathing back under control. Mostly. He added, grumbling, "It's not like my hand has a mouth or anything . . . " He knew that, if it was possible to just drop down dead from embarrassment, then he would have keeled over long ago. At least then he wouldn't have to worry about the questions, though.

"Okay then. I'll have to find out on my own." Mello smiled and kissed him, trying to help him calm down some. It would have been useful to know, but he didn't mind exploring, either. "Just tell me if I do anything you don't like, or anything you want more of."

Well, at least the kissing was becoming more familiar so Edward was mostly able to return that and, having nowhere else to put his hand, he rested it on the back of Mello's head. "Yeah. Right," he replied in mostly a squeak and he cleared his throat to get his voice back down to its normal level. He knew he probably wouldn't say a word, though if Mello did anything he really didn't like, then his response would probably be a bit more physical than a simple, "Would you please not do that again?"

Mello knew he probably wouldn't say anything, but at least he'd tried. He nuzzled Edward's neck, just beneath an ear, and sucked there gently for a moment, pushing his hips down to rub against him, not quite able to stifle his own moan at the sensation.

But he wasn't going to rush... at least not too much. So he slid down the alchemist's body as gracefully as he could to nuzzle his stomach again while he worked on slowly unfastening his pants. Mello wondered if this were moving too fast or going too far; if he'd stop him or let him continue. But there was no way to find out but to do it.

Edward was to shocked by the sudden movement to have even contemplated trying to keep from moaning. But there was a body --not just his hand -- rubbing against a very sensitive area and it just felt so good. He did manage to keep his voice under control when mello pulled away again, though without some effort and he was practically panting by the time he realized that he was about to lose his pants. He covered his face with his hand again since pleasure and curiosity were winning out over any emotion or thought that might have convinced the blonde to stop Mello.

Mello grinned, looking up at Edward and watching his reaction for a moment, then went back to unfastening his pants slowly, an inch at a time, licking and sucking the newly revealed skin each time. He was beginning to feel impatient, but he wasn't going to show it or give into it, not yet. So he tugged his pants down far enough that Edward could easily kick them off if he wanted and sucked gently at the very top of his inner thigh.

The small part of Edward's brain that insisted on being completely aware of what was going on even when the rest of it was melting into a useless, quivering pile of goo, had to wonder why in the world Mello would want to put his mouth down there. The rest of his brain didn't much care because it felt good and he pulled that foot from his pants with a faint moan, trying to give the older blonde more room.

Well, so far, Edward was definitely not the best lover he'd ever had; he hadn't even noticed Mello was still fully clothed. But that was okay; he hadn't expected much different from someone this inexperienced. Mello looked at the younger boy for a moment and smiled. "You are definitely nice to look at." He let his hands glide over Edward's body for a moment, appreciating the feel of his skin, as nice to touch as it was to admire.

"You're not so bad yourself . . . " Edward mumbled almost automatically. It was the truth, though. Now that he was actually bothering to look at Mello like that he could see it and see why Mello seemed so experienced. Who would want to turn him down? Not Edward, obviously, and he got the feeling that he was just one in a somewhat long line (or at least one that was a lot longer than his own non-existent line).

Mello sat up for a moment and smirked at him, letting the air cool the alchemist's hot skin while he slowly unzipped his shirt and shrugged out of it. "As long as you're looking..." he commented, making sure his expression didn't reflect his momentary uncertainty. He never forgot the negative reactions he'd sometimes gotten when people saw the rest of his scars; even Rukia had been openly horrified. So he braced himself, but said nothing to reveal what he was really thinking.

When Edward realized what Mello was doing, he forced himself to pull his hand away from his face so that he could actually look. Partly because it seemed rather rude not to. Partly because . . . well, he wanted to. Yes, Mello was definitely attractive. He supposed that the only thing that might turn some people off was the scarring but . . . well not only did Edward have his own impressive collection of scars, he was also missing two of his limbs. Since it was the only thing he was starting to feel mostly comfortable doing, Edward pushed himself up into a sitting position and kissed Mello. While he carefully tugged his pants off of his automail leg, trying not to accidentally get them caught on the metal and tear them.

Well, at least he was willing to kiss him; that was definitely progress. And if he were bothered by the scars, he didn't show it. Mello watched Edward remove his pants with interest and couldn't resist tracing the line where the automail joined his body. "Did this hurt?" The way it was fastened on, he couldn't imagine it hadn't. Deliberately, because he knew what it was like to have wounds no one wanted to admit to noticing, Mello leaned down and kissed the skin where the arm would attach if he still had it, licking it experimentally. "Is this sensitive?"

Edward actually snorted at the first question. It was a small thing, but one that reminded him that he really wasn't back in his own world since no one there would even bother asking a question like that. Before he could really answer, though, he was shivering from just barely feeling the older blonde's tongue across his skin. "Not really," he said quietly. "It's actually kinda numb." He reached down with his one remaining hand and brushed over the scar line on his thigh. "I guess just getting it attached the first time fried the nerves . . . "

"Mmm, a shame." Not surprising, he supposed, but still a shame, especially as sensitive as the skin there could be normally. Mello kissed him again and ran his fingernails up the bare skin of his normal thigh, watching his reaction. At least he was sensitive everywhere else. Grinning, he traced the outline of Edward's erection through his underwear. "At least this doesn't seem numb."

No, that definitely was not numb and Edward knew that Mello was just being a smartass by pointing it out but he also didn't much care at that particular moment. He gasped and his hand tightened around his leg unconsciously. "I kinda get the feeling that you already knew that that wasn't going to be numb," he retorted a bit weakly but still at least somewhat sarcastically.

Mello smirked at him. "True, I did. But are you complaining?" Mello moved backwards enough to be able to slide the waistband of his underwear just low enough that he could lick the very tip. "Somehow I thought you'd like me doing this," he breathed, flicking it with his tongue again.

Edward had given up belief in any kind of god years ago and yet suddenly he was sure that he was in heaven because nothing on Earth could feel that good. At least nothing he'd ever done to himself ever had. This, however, was a completely different experience. "No," he breathed distractedly, not really knowing what he was saying as his hand dug into his thigh, "I do like it . . . "

"Mmmhmm," Mello agreed, tugging his underwear down further and licking more thoroughly, swirling his tongue over the head, then from bottom and top and back down again. He looked up to see Edward's reaction and smirked at him before slowly taking his cock into his mouth, a centimeter at a time, and sucking lightly.

Edward wasn't sure that he would ever be able to think properly again. Even that small part of his brain that was usually so good at staying cognizant seemed to have turned into a puddle of grey mush. His eyes rolled shut and there was no way he could keep the moans closed up in his throat as his hips squirmed with the sensations.

This was definitely promising and Mello was getting impatient now. He loved knowing that Edward was enjoying this so very much. But he didn't stop, not yet, though he couldn't quite help moaning once himself. Instead he sucked harder, moving a hand down to lightly squeeze his balls, still trying to pay attention to the alchemist's reactions.

Edward managed to force his eyes open just long enough to glance down at the older blonde and his head fell back with a groan a moment later. He wasn't sure if he could stand Mello's mouth on him much longer; he felt like, if he didn't finish right then, he was just going to explode. "Mello . . . " he whimpered, partly in warning, partly begging.

Mello didn't stop, not even to tell him it was okay, though he considered it. After all, he wanted Edward to come once before he did anything else; he'd be more relaxed and hopefully enjoy it more. At least, if Mello could wait that long, but he had before. So he kept going, doing his best to make sure the younger boy enjoyed it. And by this point in his life, his best was very, very good.

Edward couldn't deny that fact, even though he had absolutely nothing to compare it to other than his own left hand. Which was trying to strangle the sheets. Since he was so inexperienced, it wasn't that long before Edward's eyes shot open and he let out a small, whimpering cry as he came. His face was completely flushed, though not entirely out of embarrassment anymore, and he pressed the heel of his palm to his forehead as he tried to stop panting.

Mello wasn't surprised or disappointed; he knew Edward had no experience and what that meant. It was okay, better than okay, really. He swallowed, then licked him clean carefully, knowing he was probably oversensitive at the moment. He crawled up to lay on his side next to Edward, an arm draped over his waist while he watching him, trying to let him recover. Not that he planned to give him too long; definitely not long enough for doubts or regrets.

When Edward felt that arm over his waist, he blinked and looked over to see Mello lying there. He wasn't really sure what he was supposed to do now. Were they finished? Was Mello just going to make sure he wasn't about to have a heart attack or something and then leave? He found himself hoping that that wasn't the case. He liked Mello and didn't want him to just run off so quickly after that. And if he wanted to do anything . . . else . . . well Edward knew that he probably wouldn't be against it. He smirked a bit sheepishly at the older blonde and, the moment he let his hand drop on top of the one at his waist, he dropped his eyes to the sheets between them.

Mello smiled at him and thought he still looked almost beautiful, though he knew he wouldn't like hearing that, anymore than he had ever liked hearing so feminine a term applied to himself. But he still smiled, and flicked a strand of hair off Edward's face. "You okay?" he asked, moving closer, sliding a leg across his hips and caressing his chest slowly with his hand.

"Yeah," the younger blonde replied, rolling onto his side to face Mello. "You gonna stick around for a while?" he asked, wondering if he was being too obvious. It wasn't as though he was going to try to make Mello do anything, though, or not do anything. Edward had just been looking forward to spending time with him. However that might turn out to be.

"Do I look like I'm going anywhere?" Mello wrapped his leg around, since Edward had conveniently rolled onto his side, and scooted closer. Smiling lazily, he ran a hand through long blond hair, then over his shoulder and down to toy with a nipple. He wished Edward would touch him, but he wasn't sure how he would react if Mello just picked up his hand and made him do it, so he waited, faking a casualness he didn't feel.

Well, no, he really didn't look like he was going to be leaving all that soon, but Edward wasn't that familiar with any of the etiquette so he couldn't really be blamed for asking, could he? He shivered slightly with the touches and realized that he felt rather silly and maybe just a bit guilty simply lying there and having Mello touch him and . . . other things. Surely the older blonde expected something in return instead of him just lying there like a dead fish so, hesitantly, Edward chewed the inside of his cheeks and lifted his hand, brushing it lightly down the arm that was touching him.

Well, it wasn't where he wanted to be touched, but it was a start. At least Edward didn't find him completely abhorrent... hopefully. Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference between shyness and reluctance. He moved closer still, ghosting a hand down his side, and kissed him, softly, not pushing him or urgent, no matter what he felt. Mello knew what he wanted, but he didn't want to scare him off either.

Edward was getting a lot more comfortable with the kissing and it was a little more comforting going back to that. He returned the kiss as best he could and let his hand slide up Mello's arm and over his back, his fingers wandering just around the edges of what he could feel of the older blonde's scars since he wasn't sure if he would want them touched or not.

"Mmm." That was better. Even if he were still shy, Edward was at least trying. Mello wondered if it would be hinting too much if he unlaced his pants. Not like the other boy could do it with only one arm! Well... maybe not quite yet. Instead he caressed a hip, let his hand slide over his stomach, touching and exploring. He wasn't going to take as much time as he had before, but he wasn't going to rush, either. And he was enjoying being touched, even far too tentatively.

Edward could tell where this was probably going since he'd now been there just a minute ago. Mello didn't seem too upset with him touching him so far, so the younger blonde ventured a little further, sliding his hand over Mello's side and then up his chest. There was no way that he was going to go lower just yet. Maybe after he had a little more experience. Assuming he'd get the chance to.

"So..." Mello asked, after nipping at the side of Edward's neck for a minute (it was right there, how could he resist?), "would you mind if we did something else? Maybe something I got something out of besides watching you." He grinned, remembering. "Not that I didn't love watching you, because I did."

Edward's face turned just about as red as it could at that and he buried his face against Mello's neck since it was the most convenient. "Well who told you to do something that you wouldn't get anything out of?" he retorted embarrassedly and deciding to completely ignore that the older blonde had just said that he had enjoyed watching him.

Mello stroked his hair and laughed. "I just said I liked watching you, dork. And I liked giving you pleasure." He licked the outer rim of an ear still red with his blush and bit the lobe lightly. "I just want a little bit more than that... unless you'd rather watch me take care of it myself."

Like Edward would actually be able to feel not embarrassed enough to actually watch the older blonde "take care of it" himself. Edward shook his head slightly and took a deep, somewhat calming breath. "No," he mostly mumbled, "we can do something more . . . " He just hoped that Mello would be patient with him.

Well... hopefully he'd be able to relax him a bit more. He didn't want to hurt Edward, after all. "Well, in that case, give me a moment." Mello slid his leg and arm off him and stood up, unlacing his pants slowly, sighing for a moment at the relief of having them open, and then peeling them off just as slowly, looking at Edward from under lowered lashes to see if he was watching and what his reaction was.

Edward was a little worried when he saw Mello pull away, wondering if he'd done or said something wrong. Then he saw what the older blonde was doing and blushed anew, not quite able to tear his eyes away. Those leather pants, he realized, really did look good on the older blonde; but they didn't look too bad off of him either and Edward chewed the insides of his cheeks as he realized that he wasn't quite completely spent just yet.

Mello hadn't been able to resists doing a mini-striptease with taking off his pants and Edward's reaction definitely made it worth the extra effort. Not that he'd really though Edward wouldn't be up for more (at his age? Yeah, right), but it was nice to see that he found him so attractive. Maybe this wouldn't be so difficult after all.

He rummaged in his coat pocket for the lube (and thank God he had started carrying some with him just in case) and lay back on the bed next to Edward, sliding a leg up and over his hip, moving close enough to rub against him, not even trying to stifle his own reaction. God, he didn't want to wait... but he would. Mello kissed him, trying to distract him as he carefully put lube on his fingers. This was not someone he wanted to hurt, so he wanted to be sure to take his time and do this right.

The distraction worked wonders as Edward didn't notice a thing other than the fact that he was being kissed again and Mello was pressed right up against him and moving. Even if he'd been able to help rubbing right along with Mello, the younger blonde wasn't sure he would have stopped. What sense would there have been in that, after all?

It was good that Edward was so willing, Mello thought to himself. Not that he'd force him if he wasn't, but still, it made things easier. He smiled at the alchemist, watching him, as he slipped a hand between them to stroke his cock lightly, wanting to make sure he was ready before he even started this. He slid his finger in slowly and carefully, not moving it right away. Yeah, he might be being too careful, but it had been awhile since he'd been with a virgin before Toushirou, and he still remembered learning that he'd hurt him despite all his efforts not to. This time, he would be even more careful.

Edward's eyes had fallen shut nearly the moment that Mello had kissed him again and they'd just screwed themselves tighter and tighter . . . until he felt that finger push inside of him. He blinked at the older blonde, surprised by the sudden movement though, when he thought about it, he knew he shouldn't have been. He'd heard stories, of course, and he knew how this sort of thing was supposed to work between two men he just . . . hadn't made the connection until just that moment.

"Relax," Mello whispered, nuzzling his neck soothingly. He wasn't surprised that Edward's immediate reaction had been to tense; he just hoped he could get him past that. He stroked him more, moving his finger slowly as soon as he could, trying to get him used to the sensation, used to it and then enjoying it. He was concentrating fully on Edward, on his reactions and sensations, trying to make sure this was an experience he'd enjoy and not just tolerate.

Since it was obviously something that needed to be done, and because Mello hadn't really ever done anything to make Edward mistrust him, the younger blonde let his eyes close again as he tried to relax. It was a little difficult, considering it was a whole new experience to him, but as long as he remembered that Mello wouldn't do anything to hurt him on purpose and it would probably only make things worse if he kept tensing up, it was a little easier.

Mello bit Edward's neck deliberately, curious if he'd like it or complain, as he slowly slid another finger in, reaching and stretching inside of him, working on making him not only accept it, but enjoy it, want more. If he couldn't get him to... well, he could do something else. Not that he expected that to happen; it wasn't like he didn't know what he was doing and what he was looking for. He grazed an earlobe with his teeth and whispered, "I promise; I'll make sure you enjoy this, too."

Edward was fairly sure that the older blonde was completely capable of managing that but he felt stupid saying it and so all he did was give a, quiet, vague moan. Of course it wasn't that he wasn't enjoying himself, not quite, it was just that the feeling of those fingers inside of him was so strange and unfamiliar. He supposed he'd get used to it, if given half a chance. Or if something else made it easier. Edward moaned at the same time he tried to gasp resulting in an almost hiccuping moan as he felt the older blonde's fingers brush up against something inside him. That, he could definitely get used to.

Ah, there we go. Mello smirked at him and did it again, watching his reaction. Much better. He kissed Edward again, still moving his fingers, both to stretch him and to make him moan. God, he looked even better like this.

Edward was too far gone to even think, really; all he could do was react and so he did, moaning with every stroke of those fingers and returning that kiss as best he could. He'd never really thought that it all could feel so good but, then again, if it hadn't, then people wouldn't do it so often.

Mello was trembling now, and he couldn't wait anymore. Normally he stroked lube on himself slowly and showily, wanting to make his partner pant for him, but he didn't have the patience, not now, especially when he didn't think Edward would appreciate it at the moment anyway. Next time, if there was one. This time, he went for efficient, but thorough.

Even if he was impatient, however, he knew better than to rush anything else. Edward had never done this before; he had to be slow and careful, no matter how eager both of them were. So he entered him slowly and then waited, holding him and panting, biting his lip almost hard enough to bleed, for him to adjust to it.

Having Mello's length inside of him wasn't quite the same as the fingers, but for Edward it meant basically the same thing: That he had to relax. He took a few deep breaths and his hand gently squeezed the older blonde's shoulder as he slowly acclimated to the feeling. It was nothing compared to the pain of automail attachment, after all. Then, all he could really do was wait, since he didn't really know what was expected of him to do.

Mello took a deep breath and starting to move, thrusting as slowly as he could stand, almost whimpering with each one. He adjusted the angle until it felt right, wrapping Edward's human leg around his waist, and slowly increased his speed. He wanted to make Edward moan, too, as much as he was, and rather than tease him by waiting, he slid a hand between them to stroke his erect cock. God, he felt good. Mello looked at the alchemist's flushed face, long blond hair spread out around it, and couldn't believe that a boy this gorgeous could possibly think he wasn't sexy. He was barely thinking, but he still tried to say it. "You... Edward... are... so sexy," he gasped out, though he didn't know if it were intelligible or if he'd be really listening if it were.

Edward was definitely listening, though whether the words really registered was up for debate. His leg tightened a bit around Mello's waist and just focused on continuing to breathe which suddenly became more difficult than he could remember it being. Everything was just so hot and having Mello on top of him and inside of him . . . it was just completely indescribable and he could definitely understand why so many people enjoyed doing this so much. He was moaning freely, which each thrust into him and each stroke of his length and his hand gripped the older blonde's shoulder roughly as he dug his automail heel into the mattress, trying to return those thrusts.

Mello revised his opinion of Edward's skills in bed upward a notch. Still too shy and had a lot to learn, but he felt damn good and obviously enjoyed it. He wondered if he knew how much he enjoyed the way he was holding onto him or how incredibly hot he looked like this. He braced himself so he could try to thrust a bit harder and groaned. That was... far better than good.

Edward's head fell back against the pillows as he arched his neck and the rest of his body trying to increase the sensations. He whimpered Mello's name mindlessly as sweat trickled down his face and his toes curled and uncurled with the rhythm of their movements the more the pressure inside of him built up.

Mello grinned briefly when he heard Ed say his name like that. Somehow there was something so... satisfying about it. After that, he was too distracted to listen anymore, concentrating on sensation and the growing tension in his body. Damn, he really had waited too long for this...

Between the older blonde's hand on his cock and the length thrusting inside of him on top of the fact that Edward was still considerably inexperienced, he really couldn't hold out for very much longer and he knew it. There was nothing he could do about it, though, and nothing he really wanted to either. So, soon enough, Edward was crying out again, his body trying to arch off of the couch and his eyes wide and unseeing as he came for the second time that day.

Oh, God. He hadn't been able to watch Edward come before, but this time he could and it was... well worth watching, especially when Mello could hardly think. Watching him, feeling him orgasm around him, when he was already this close, was almost enough, close enough that it only took him a few more thrusts before he came, too, shuddering hard and whispering his name.

Edward wasn't really sure he liked the feeling of having someone finish inside of him, but after everything he wasn't about to complain either. He'd enjoyed it far too much to even think of complaining. Besides, it was nothing that a shower wouldn't fix. So he just lay there beneath Mello, letting his breathing slow back down to normal and wondering, if only to himself, what they were supposed to do now.

Mello slid out of him slowly, and off to the side, where he curled around Edward, just holding him for a moment and nuzzling his neck absently. "Mmm." He looked at him closely. "Are you okay?" He wondered if he should suggest they shower now, or just hold him for awhile. This part was always far more awkward.

Edward found it easy to just relax in Mello's arms and he let his head rest lightly against the older blonde's until he moved away. "Hm?" he asked intelligently before the question actually registered. "Oh. Yeah, I'm okay," he said, blushing a little, though he couldn't really tell anymore, himself. "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

Mello stroked his hair and smiled at him, still holding him. So Edward wanted to cuddle? That was okay. They could shower in a bit. "I just wanted to make sure. Sometimes it hurts if you're not used to it." He shrugged awkwardly, wishing he hadn't mentioned it.

Edward grinned, though a bit sheepishly. "You're gonna hafta do better than that if you really expect to hurt me." It didn't occur to him that that statement might be considered a challenge, since he certainly had no idea if Mello would even want to do anything of the sort with him again.

"I wasn't exactly trying to." Mello laughed and toyed with a strand of Edward's hair. Honestly, he'd been trying damn hard not to; as far as he knew, alchemists weren't any more impervious to damage than any other humans. "I wanted you to enjoy it."

He'd wanted him to enjoy it? Well he'd definitely succeeded, Edward just wished that he'd still had his other arm. Actually, thinking about it, he was a little surprised that Mello hadn't been weirded out by it. If he wasn't going to be, though, then Edward wasn't going to complain, either. "Well, I did . . . " he said, lifting his eyes a bit embarrassedly to the hand playing with his hair. Though, considering, he couldn't imagine that Mello hadn't realized it on his own.

Mello smiled at him, content and trying to be reassuring. He could tell Edward was still uncomfortable with him. He stopped playing with his hair and stroked his chest instead, just light, caressing touches, the kind of thing that comforted him when he was agitated. "I'm glad. First times can be horrible, but they damn well don't have to be."
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