Slow Writing

Nov 02, 2010 09:33

I read on the nanowrimo site and in the book (the "No Plot? No problem!" one) that an average writer should be able to fill their quota within 1.5 hours a day. I'm aiming for 10.000 in the end so I got twice as much and was therfore thinking I should be okay with 3 hours a day of writing. 
However, apparently I'm a much slower writer than I thought I was! I spend six hours plus pauses of going to the loo and staring into space, separated into three go's (first at the library, then at a coffee shop, now at home in bed).

3334 words in six hours does sound horribly slow. I have not been editing either. 
Maybe it's because I tend to pause and count words in between and that gets me out of my flow (?). 
But I have bad concentration problems so the counting somehow helps me to focus in a way, too, if that makes sense.

Does anyone else have the problem? 
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