Oct 18, 2007 18:42
My lip gloss is poppin
My lip gloss is cool
All the boys be jockin
They chase me after school
Anyway... wandered on to livejournal again, and feeling bored. Thought I'd drop in for a visit.
I ate too many tater tots and now I feel like death...
Didn't job shadow on Wednesday, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I really don't want to shadow someone I don't know. I really wish I knew an author or something... apparently Max Burritt had a pretty sweet time at the Newsjournal. Maybe I'll wander over there to see about some sweet shadowing. We'll see...
Senior skip day next Thursday woooooooo!!!!!.... pass it on.
Livejournal sucks. I wish it were interesting again. Eh, it was not to be, I guess. Let's all get myspaces instead! Alright, nevermind...
... and Johanna's still ignoring me ;)
I wish I had a pumpkin for a head...