(no subject)

Aug 14, 2005 13:38

You know, I was kind of sitting around here, in my room, on this dreary Sunday afternoon and found myself dancing around in front of the mirror and brushing my teeth to Queen/David Bowie's Under Pressure. And I was wondering...would you guys be opposed to having that played at your wedding? How 'bout Notorious by Duran Duran? Yeah I know, horrible music, right? Toothpaste and Sparkle Motion, that's what the ladies really want. Not really, but you know, I try and amuse myself as much as one possibly can when they're away from all of their friends, and in front of a mirror with some eighties music in the background.

When I was at the comic shop yesterday I noticed, while thumbing through this month's issue of Previews, that Marvel is finally gonna release some Essential reprints of the old seventies series Ghost Rider and Werewolf By Night this October. Now knowing that, I just have to ask, "How cool is that?" Nineteen-seventies Marvel monster cheese! I love it. That, and The Goon's Eric Powell is going to be doing a few covers, and one book, for Marvel during the month of October.

Oh how I love this time of year. October, Halloween, hell...even Fall, are the best. Yeah, if you're single and alone the cold weather sucks, but it's just one of those things. It's not always like that in life. Besides, it gives us a good excuse to rewatch It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Garfield's Halloween Adventure. And there's also candy corn and Monsterfest on AMC. (Candy candy candy candy candy!!)

I'm about a hundred pages into Box Office Poison, and this book is great. If I had a lot of money to play around with (or hell, maybe even if I just had about two-hundred to play around with) I'd be ordering a few more of these for some of you guys. It's just that good. And it's just about people in their twenties fucking around and being in their twenties! I know that probably sounds lame, but it's not. It's actually funny. The books main protagonist is this guy who's just out of college and still working at his college job (Sound familiar?) and as he's grumbling over being in retail, he works at a bookstore (Felicia, I couldn't help but think of you when I read this.), his thought balloon is reading something to the effect of, "Damnit. I have a college degree. I don't need this shit." I don't know. I found it really funny, and you know it's nice to know that I wasn't the only guy grumbling while working his old college job after he got his piece of paper. Anyway, it amuses me. So I thought I'd share.

I hope everyone else is doing all right and nifty today, and not just bumming around online like I am. I feel like such a slacker, but this weather just isn't that inviting if you haven't got anyone to get wet with. Ha ha ha. Yeah, so if you're reading this get off your tushy and go do something. Or don't. I'm just kind of killing time before Six Feet Under comes on. I do need to go get some toilet paper and a bag of peanut M&Ms though, so on that note I bid you adieu.
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