Caught this on IMDB, but thought that the guy who was upset was right...when you really think about it. I mean, on the one hand it is just a movie and all, but then again it's not like they just hand out purple hearts either.
I dunno, maybe some food for thought for someone reading this.
'Wedding Crashers' Enrages Military Veterans
New movie Wedding Crashers is under fire for making a mockery of prestigious military award the Purple Heart - it quips that the award guarantees adoration from the opposite sex. The comedy features two party-loving lotharios, played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, who pretend to be Purple Heart recipients in a bid to bed bridesmaids. Now movie website New Line Cinema has been attacked by military veterans and law enforcement officials for capitalizing on the joke - the site boasts a fake cut-out version of the honor, flanked by the words: "Carrying a Purple Heart in your jacket guarantees you attention, admiration and plenty of free booze." FBI agent Thomas Cottone Jr. fumes, "I challenge the producer of that movie to go to Walter Reed Hospital and walk through the ward and see if he still wants to print out a fake Purple Heart. Talk to some of these people who don't have legs anymore and see how funny they think that movie is."