Television Sucks

Dec 17, 2004 23:45

Seen any good TV lately, I know I havn't. Everything that comes on the tube is complete shit. Well, maybe not all of it but have you watched MTV lately? Do you know what MTV stands for? Music Television, when was the last time you saw music on there. I watched that LAguna Beach shit, and at first I was all like "these girls are hot, I'll watch it," that show is complete shit and fake. The only TV that I watch is the News, Seinfeld, and music videos on FUSE, but that shit is getting old too. I have mostly been watching movies. So I am going to give you a holiday guide for movies to buy for the holidays and movies not to buy.
Don't buy these.
-Lord of the Ring:The Return of the King.
I don't know about you, but the last thing that I want to do is sit on my ass and
see these guys fight over some god damn ring. It was lost, then found, then lost
again. It's on the third one. Can you say repetitive.
-The Matrix:Reloaded
I'm not really sure when these movie comes out, but don't waste your time with this
shit. Keanu Reeves is probably one of the worst actors I have ever seen.
-I Robot
I gave up on Will Smith as an actor when he started the Men In Black films. I
remember falling asleep at the movie theater during the second one. And the last
thing that I want to see is him riding on some crotch rocket drinking shitty
beer, wearing some shitty sunglasses while fighting some shitty robots.
-The Day After Tomorrow
This movie was probably the movie that I choose for 2004, for the movie that I
wasted my money on. Please pick another one, The world isn't going to freeze over.
-Without a Paddle
This movie might have the stupidest plot I've seen in a movie in a long time. I
might also have three of the shittiest actors I've seen put together in a movie.
They should of cut back on the gay jokes.
Movies to see.
-Napoleon Dynamite
I knew this movie was going to be good when I saw the previews a couple of months
ago. So I went to go see it on the day it came out. I then proceeded to see it 3
more times. It has not plot at all. It was written by a class at UCLA and I think
they did a fabulous job filming it and getting the right cast. It was one of my
favorite movies of the year.
A lot of people didn't like this movie and thought it was stupid to make a movie out
of a game that we have all played throughout our schooling. I thought it was very
stupid, but that's what made it so god damn funny. I thought that Ben Stiller did a
great job too.
-Kill Bill:Volume 2
I thought that this was the best sequel of 2004. The first one was great but this
was a great follow up and you don't see to many of those these days.
I thought this movie was going to suck so I didn't go see it in the theater but I
decided to rent it one night and I thought it was great. Will Farrell does such a
good job of playing a kid. He is a very hyper man and fit the part great.
Well, there you have it. Just a movie guide for you guys.
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