app for gargleblasted!

Aug 12, 2010 15:32


Name: Cat
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ: catspaws
Timezone: central
Other contact: AIM: Catchan220
Characters already in the game: nope
How did you find us?: friends


Character name: Invader Zim

Fandom: Invader Zim

Timeline: end of series

Age: Zim’s true age is unknown. He pretended to be an elementary school student while on earth , but in reality he’s over 50 something

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:
Irkens do not poses any kind of special abilities, they are actually quite weak. The race relies on the support of a “pak” system to support their life. This “pak” however acts as more than just a life support device and hoses weaponry as well as tools and devices to assist them on their various missions. The Irken race is also extremely advanced technologically and Invaders are equipped with high tech lasers and and other various invading device thingies. Irkens also posses a weakness to water. If their skin comes in contact with the substance it will burn. Simple school glue has been found to prevent the reaction.

How would they use their abilities?:
Zim’s attempts to use this advanced technology on a regular basis with mixed results. While his entire “home” on earth was fully equipped with laboratories and mechanical devices that seemed to function fully his use of Irken technology to take over the planet always ended in failure. He can be dangerous, but it mostly backfires in his face.

Zim, while not in his human disguise is a short green alien. His design is very stereotypically little green man from space. He has large red eyes, antennae and a a red and pink uniform shirt. He also has the standard Irken pak, which looks like a silver pod attached to his back. While in disguise Zim looks almost identical to his alien self, the only differences are a black wig (to hide the antennae) and contact lenses. He blames his green complexion on a skin condition. (also his lack of ears)

Zim is an invader, a member of the Irken Elite. Sadly this is only true in his own mind. The leaders of the Irken race want nothing to do with him after he managed to blow up half his home planet in Operation Impending Doom 1. He was banished to Foodcourtia forever. When Zim found out about Operation Impending Doom 2 he quit being banished and hurried to receive his next mission. In an attempt to get rid of the guy for good The Almitghty Tallest (the Irken rulers) sent him on a fake mission to take over a planet that they thought didn’t exist. Lucky for us it turns out Zim was sent to Earth. Zim proceeds to try and take over the planet in the name of the Irken Empire, continuing to report to his leaders (they keep him around for the lulz). So that he is not found out as an alien invader Zim disguises himself as an elementary school student and attends class at Skool. This is where he meets his most worthy adversary, Dib Membrane. Dib is the only human on the planet that believes Zim is an alien. He manages to thwart a good number of Zim’s plots to destroy all humans.

Zim is very confidant his his abilities, even when they are severely lacking. He believes any race other than his own is stupid and useless and deserves to be crushed. He has a short temper and a need to make everyone understand just how amazing he is, he usually achieves this by yelling loudly. While he was essentially sent to earth so that he couldn’t cause any more trouble for his leaders he is completely unaware of this fact and is still insanely loyal to the empire.

Have you read up on how the game works?:
yep. The journal system is the Flaming Ferret. You can earn monies by missions, stealing, freelancing or being a moocher.

1st person sample:
[video of a very confused and annoyed little alien starts playing]
I was so close this time but the DIB monkey seems to have...uh...temporarily stopped my BRILLIANT plan. Where am I?

[he’s pacing now, and notices the view from out of a port hole.]

HEH? This can’t BE! Am I on some kind of SHIP? It isn’t Irken, no it’s far too primitive.

[a sinister smile creeps across his little green face. Uh-oh, the little invader has an idea, thats never good for anyone.]

I will use my AMAZING skills to take over this vessel and fly is straight to my Tallest! They will be so pleased.
Hehehehehe *cough*

3rd person sample:
This was ridiculous! Such a powerful and noble invader should not be subjected to trivial odd jobs but there he was, with a mop twice as tall as he was. Zim was not foreign to the concept of missions, his entire life had been nothing but striving to become one of the elite few that were assigned on such expeditions. The difference was that an Irken “mission” entailed great exploration and conquest while a “mission” here meant mopping the hangar.

It was his fault for not reading the fine print, though he would never admit to such a mistake. ZIM doesn’t make mistakes, he is perfect. He is unsure of what compels him to actually do the job. Maybe it was the promise monies? Maybe it was his attempt to "blend in" with the resident life. An Invader has to strike with surprise and he knew he had to play along, at least for a little while. Whatever the reason, as long as no one was there to actually lay witness to his work maybe it wouldn’t be so bad?

Zim begins to dip the mop into the bucket of...oh crap, is that water? Some of it splashes up as he dunks the mop head into the bucket and hits his face. The burning is mild at first but soon he is writhing on the ground in pain. Yeah, ok, it’s definitely not worth it.

Questions?: not at the moment

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