Read the Book of Revelation today, and I'll tell you, I'm glad I'm not a literalist Christian. There's quite a few instances of one third of the Earth being consumed by flame, and other pleasant images. I was reading it because I thought it might be interesting to write a play set after the apocalypse; I know now that it would be far more interesting writing a play that takes place during it. As such, I've been writing a sort of future-history of the world, assuming that most of Revelation is fairly literal, but in terms of global warfare-- nukes going off rather than stars crashing into the Earth, for instance. I may post it here when I get finished refining it. It takes place over many decades, and is rather grisly.
...this is what you get when the last two things you've read are The Watchmen and Maus (both of which I recommend, by the way, though not if you started out the day in a chipper mood).
The specific play which I was thinking of putting in this setting would have been for a contest I found out about in my wanderings of the internet, but the action in my mind has strayed quite a bit from the contest requirements. You can check out the contest here:; personally, I think it's the best thing ever. Not sure how I'd work the swords into my futurist armageddon scheme, though.
Other than that, things are going well. I managed to coax a five-page essay out of a prompt which restricted the paper to analyzing one aspect of one character from one play we've read. My Stage Management class's TA's malapropism count is up to four, and going strong. The Misanthrope opened last week, and closes this Saturday (I spend most of each performance reading back-stage, but the on-stage time is spent getting beaten up, as is traditional). Introduction to Logic is a less interesting class than you'd expect, the Political Consequences of Electoral Systems is somewhat more so. The women of RPG club have offered to sell themselves as a fundraiser, a scheme which I cannot in good conscience object to. And on-and-off for the last few weeks I've had the entire repertoire of French pop singer Alizée running through my head.
There you have it.