Die Vecna, Die!

Apr 27, 2008 09:59

In my dream last night, I was some sort of law-enforcement figure chasing after a villain of some sort who was played by John Goodman. I chased him on foot, I chased him by car, and I chased him by bus (with me sitting comfortably inside and him clinging desperately to the roof). Eventually, our chase took us into the abandoned foundation and structure of a building. Therein, my associate Michael O'Brien was lying in wait, wearing a clever disguise so as to hide his identity. A battle ensued, and despite our clever plan, both Michaelo and I were forced onto the defensive as we were both disarmed. John Goodman fled into the night to continue his sordid life of crime, and the dream concluded with Michaelo and myself being seduced at by wererats.


The wererats part of the dream probably comes directly from my main activity yesterday, which was a GM meeting for Ravenloft LARP. Over the course of the meeting, we determined the rest of what is going to be happening for the remainder of the school year. We also discovered the sheer awesomeness that is Vecna.

Vecna is really the ultimate badass of D&D. The full story can be extrapolated from a handful of wikipedia articles (start by searching 'Vecna' and work outwards from there), but in short he is basically the archetypical evil mastermind who wouldn't go away. He gets killed as an evil conqueror/necromancer, he rises as a lich. He gets betrayed by his lieutenant as a lich, he rises as a lesser god. He gets bored of being a lesser god, tries to become a greater god, gets sucked into his own personal prison domain in Ravenloft's Demiplane of Dread, escapes to the interplanar City of Sigil, and causes the very fabric of existence to bend in such a way that 2nd edition becomes 3rd edition. He comes back in third edition as a greater god.


As we were discovering this information, we also noticed that there campaign books devoted solely to exploring the Vecna story. Vecna Lives! takes place in first edition Greyhawk, Vecna Reborn in second edition Ravenloft, and Die Vecna Die! spans second edition Greyhawk, Ravenloft, and Planescape. Needless to say, the three of us elected a DM between us, illegally downloaded all of the necessary literature, and plan to run the campaigns over the course of the next two years.

It's going to be sweet.


More about other things some time in the future!
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