May 29, 2006 04:17
I have an ulcer! Yay! Okay, I went to the ER today because my pains just kept getting worse and worse and I felt like I was gonna hurl everywhere, and my breathing was shallow and uneven and I kept having hot flashes and a numbish arm. We get there and they do blood tests, x-rays, and make me drink this cocktail of Lidocaine, Maylox and two other things. It was green, chalky and mliky and made my entire mouth and down completely numb. I kept swallowing and thinking I swallowed my tongue. It sucked. What they eventually came up with was Gastritis. Not the same as the Gastroenteritis that I had, but may have caused it. It's basically an ulcer, so now I have to take this giant pre-natal sized pill that coats my stomach and helps the ulcer heal. The doctor also told me my heart and my lungs(!!) look great. Which makes me really happy, I still need to stop smoking but at least I know that I don't have cancer right now. Also the whole not dying thing makes you feel incredibly better. So I just take these giant pills, see the follow up doctor, and keep eating right and drinking water and I should be super. Which also means you guys won't have to read my bitching and freaking out over my health for a while.