Dec 29, 2005 23:16
So I learned a lesson last night,
Fact: It is possible to have a good time at a bar without drinking.
See, in all of my previous bar experiences I had been under the impression that the drunker you got the more fun the bar would be. And in many cases this is a true fact, but I've been feeling under the weather lately and decided that it might be best not to drink so i didn't. I am not even exaggerating when I say last night was the first time in my ENTIRE life that I have actually REALLY enjoyed myself at a bar when I was just drinking sodas. sorry... might be common sense for some of you all... but for me that is a bit earth shattering.
so here's the scene:
2 of my high school friends (Evan and Chris) call me because they are headed up to BW3's to watch a football game with some of their friends (friends that went to our high school too... but they were 3-4 years older than us... so i know them... but wouldn't call them my friends)
I was planning on hanging out with my lifeguard friends (Stef and Emily)... but it had been about a year since I had hung out with Chris and Evan.... so i decided to invite my the girls along with me to BW3's.... I was a little nervous in doing so.... but it turned out GREAT. I actually had a blast at the bar
Anyhow, after BW3's a few of us went back to a kid Brendan's house.... we went back to play Euchre at like 2 in the morning... this was a bit strange for me... because I realized that I am with 3 ADULT MEN.... seeing as I still view myself very much as a kid....I was a little weirded out.... in their defense however, they were 3 Grand Valley Alumni (and two of them went to my high school).... one of them graduated in 2003 and works for an Advertising Firm in downtown Detroit, one of them is a 4th grade teacher for West Bloomfield Public Schools, and one of them is a manager at a paint store somewhere....
We ended up just hanging out and laughing and playing cards until SUPER late... it was a good time... nothing I ever expected when I decided to go to BW3's but I was pleasantly surprised by the good company that the old kids kept....
needless to say I didn't get home untill like 5am.... which means I woke up today at 2pm....
Today I drove out and picked up my friends stef and emily (lifeguards) and we went out to Greg's Pizza for lunch.... they have the BEST BREADSTICKS IN THE WORLD.... I love being home with these girls... and don't know what I am going to do this summer when they're still at school :(
Tomorrow is the last of the Payne Family's Christmas parties.... all the Paynes are coming down to Oxford...
I think my new years resolution is going to be to not talk to ex-boyfriends anymore....
I am serious when I say that I have 5 ex-boyfriends that IM me or call at least once a week.... see I could handle it if it was one or 2 of them.... but 5 guys takes up a lot of my time... and its not like I'm ever going to date any of them again.... so whats the point in talking on a weekly basis?!?! I will be cordial... and maybe do a once a month chat that is very brief.... but I've noticed that those conversations always take a lot of energy out of me.... and I should prolly just cut all of them out all together.... My friend Emily says that I should still talk to JP... because she likes him, but I told her that I think he is the one that it is most important for me to not talk to because he's the only one that dumped me... and if he dumped me then he doesn't deserve to get to talk to me every week.....