You should know that behind the following LJ cut is a world full of more than just an abundance of non-resized pictures, but my world for the past two weeks. Full of two of my best friends, songs sung out of tune by most but right on key for few, mangos and bananas, & a whole lot of Octaveus.
A million tries, followed by perfection-
Seriously though, how cute are we-
For behind the scenes videos, plus 2 songs& scene 11, go here: Seriously though- what do I do when I'm not paging curtains, praying for another landed roll-dive, or slapping the hell out of Octaveus?
Weep openly.
Ah, perfect.
The good thing is-
mended friendships
seeing parents in 2-3 weeks
new books
cold weather
&plaid shirts.
&&the simplicity of bumming around with best friends.