well i guess its about time that i update this thing
my summers been going pretty good i guess
spending most of my days with ashley jeff and brian like always
im really glad they are all my friends, ive never really been that close with anyone else before
last night me ashley and jeff stayed up til 4 watching movies together
jeff was gonna just stay over but his mom made him come home haha
its sad cuz my mom really doesnt care if he would have stayed
we were all just chilling on the couch it was great
but i woke up on the couch at 6 this morning with a note on the couch that said he left so i really didnt even
know he left haha oh well we had a fun night
i havent seen brian in a while...hes been busy...ah well we all have our busy days i guess
so i havent posted pictures in a while so here are some randome ones
good job!
we blew bubbles for a while haha
that pictures cool even though ashley is grabbing her boob
cookies anyone?
hair dye tastes nice?
i dont know
just ask doctor ashley and elizabeth :o) haha
umm...yeah haha
call me if you ever want to hang out! :o)
do it!