Shapeless People.

Feb 01, 2012 16:06

When I was walking up the stairs
I saw a man who was not there
He was not there again today
Oh how I wish he'd go away

For as long as I can remember there's been ghosts around me.
I can feel them. Hear them. Sometimes I can catch glimpses of them.
I have never felt physically alone. I don't know what it feels like to actually be physically alone.
Sometimes it scares me. Sometimes it comforts me. It depends on who, or what... is around.
When I do my trance work, I can see them.
I saw a little girl once. She wanted me to take her back to the living. I had to push her away.
I used to think it was my house that is haunted.
But my Shaman told me it's not my house, it's me. He said that they latch onto my energy. My empthy.
They want me to help them.
He said that when I sleep talk, it's them communicating with me. They show me things in my dreams.
But I don't know how to help them.
When people ask, I say it's my house. Who wants to be around someone who is haunted?
I mean, not to sound like that kid on the sixth sense, but it creeps even me out.
I can feel them right now. Watching. Standing too close.
It doesn't feel good.
Someone's upset...
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