Its fall! And one of my favorite holidays is just around the corner. Halloween! This year I am getting a costume, which is atypical for me. See link: …frankly, the costume is appealing because its covered up enough to keep me warm. Sadly, I have never read a Harry Potter book… kind of lame of me to dress as a character of a book I’ve never read. I have seen 1 and half of the movies… this should be grounds to wear the costume??!?
WESPAC design projects have slowed down a bit -- but this is fine. My friend Meagan who is an interior designer has given me blue prints do scan and create a brand for her company, website included. I love this stuff.
I am going to be getting my first laptop soon! It will not be an Apple, as I found I AM ABLE to design just as well by using other types of computers. Audra’s husband who is our web developer suggested Dell computers... which is the direction I am leaning towards.
Jesus… why is not Thursday night yet… Grey’s Anatomy <3 I told a waitress to hurry up so I could watch the damn show last Thursday night. Gosh… a fricken slave to the t.v.. Sad.