Pocky Love~

Feb 27, 2009 12:42

Title: Pocky Love
Author: HiroYuki
Pairing: TaDaiki
Genre/Description: Romance, kissing, hugging, pocky, chocolate
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It started with a pocky kiss.
Notes: SUMMARY... WAS AWESOME. Well I think so. . AND MY TITLE SUCKS. So...i decided to write some TaDaiki. It sucks that my old account was deleted. All my TaDaiki smut ish gone... *cries* Well, didn't want to write smut considering I am in school. So.. FLUFF WILL HAVE TO DO FOR NOW. And it was pretty short. Could be considered a drabble. Or not. Ah, i don't really know.^^

"Dai-chan, what are you doing?" Chinen wandered over to the BEST member's side, peering over.

He jumped back as Arioka jumped up screaming, "POCKY~~~ MY POCKY ISH GONE!!! NOOOOO~~~!!!" Chinen covered his ears and shut his eyes tight. "Dai-chan! Shut up!! It's just pocky! You can get more at the store." He regretted those words as Daiki gave him a death glare. "JUST POCKY?! POCKY IS JUST POCKY?! I"ll have you know pocky is more than that!" he hissed. "Pocky is pocky! It isn't just pocky, it's pocky. DON'T. FORGET. THAT. GOT IT?"

Silently, the younger nodded and he scurried off, scared to his wits. "You are so mean." Arioka twirled around to see Takaki standing there with his box of pocky sticks. "MY POCKY!!!" he cried, running for it.. But Takaki raised it up high in the air and shook his head while making a tutting noise.

"Bad, Dai-chan. You can't have pocky." Daiki jumped and tried catching it but failed. "But it's mine!" He whined. Takaki shook his head once more. "No it isn't. I bought it. With MY own money."

Arioka sniffled and tears began to spill it. "What? Why? Yuya! I thought you were my friend." He gave up and turned around, walking towards the door.

Yuya sighed and gave in as well. "Oi, chibi, come back here." He laced an arm around the shorty's waist and pulled him back. "Alright, alright! You can have it." Daiki squealed and grabbed the box, dancing his victory dance.

Takaki plopped on the couch and smiled at his cuteness. Midway, Arioka froze. "What are you staring at?" He popped a stick in his mouth and began to nibble loudly.

"Your cuteness~" Takaki teased. He winked at Arioka who let his stick fall straight out of his mouth. Jaw open, Daiki continued to crawl closer to Takaki. Sitting in Yuya's lap, who was surprised at this action, Daiki grabbed another stick and stuffed it in the latter's mouth.

"I. AM. NOT CUTE!" he shouted, crumbs shooting from his mouth. "I AM NOT CUTE!!" He kept repeating 'til Takaki pushed him off his lap. "Okay! You're not cute. You're sexy."

Arioka pouted. "I AM NOT SEXY!!" he screamed. Takaki was amused with this game. "Then what are you?" Daiki rolled his eyes in an obvious way. "Uhh, Arioka Daiki, duh~"

Yuya bursted into a fit of giggles and embraced the younger, still laughing. "Gosh, you are so cute." Again, the youngest BEST member ranted about not being cute.

Takaki remembered the pocky in his mouth. "Dai-chan. Finish this for me, will you? It's a bit too much." Arioka leaned over and took a big bite out of the stick. Takaki was surprised that Daiki wasn't flushing about how close their faces were.

"There. Happy? You can finished it now." He went back to ignoring him. Takaki was a tad big hungry, but he wanted to see Daiki's cute reaction at the closeness of their faces. "Nope. This isn't enough. More. I'm not that hungry, Dai-chan." Arioka sighed and leaned over again. He took another bite and looked into Yuya's eyes.

More. Eat some more. It seemed to plead. He sighed again and took another huge bite. Now he finally realized how close they were. His eyes widened and his grip on Takaki's shoulders tightened.

They were frozen like that, never taking each other eyes of another. "Anoo..." Takaki shifted uncomfortably. Daiki wasn't THAT light.

Arioka's knee was painfully stabbing into his left thigh and the other one was pressing against his groin, causing his breath to hitch. Daiki noticed they were in an awkward position, but his body didn't budge a single inch.

A loud sound was heard and Daiki lost his balance. He fell forward and their lips met. Quickly, the pocky melted away and dissolved down their throats.

Daiki pulled away, cheeks tinted with pink. "G-Gomen. Did I hurt you?" He mumbled. Takaki shook his head. He smiled as Daiki helplessly touched his lips, mesmerized by the kiss.

He wanted to see him blush even more so Takaki leaned in closer and whispered, "Are you okay?" seductively in his face. His cold breath tickled Arioka's face and he blushed harder.

Yuya bent down for another kiss and this time, Daiki knew what to do. He kicked Takaki in his "V" area and ran off into a corner.

Takaki recovered soon, but it was still numb as he stalked to Arioka's corner. "Why'd you do that?" Daiki flinched as Takaki sat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Why'd you do that?" Yuya wrinkled his nose. "What are you talking about?"

"Why were you about to kiss me?" His shoulders shrugged a 'i don't know'. "Maybe it's because I like you. Don't you like me?" His puppy eyes kicked in and Daiki forced himself to look away. "I-I d-do like y-you. But isn't k-kissing for p-people who really, REALLY l-like each other? Like, l-like like. Not j-just like." He stuttered frequently, not sure what his words meant.

Yuya cocked his head. "Hmmm. Guess I really, REALLY like like you then." And he leaned in once more, closing the space between their lips. This time, Daiki gave up. He closed his eyes and sat there, waiting 'til Takaki pulled away.

But in the end, Yuya didn't. He carried Arioka to the couch, lips still locked on each other, and crawled on top of the shorty. Arioka couldn't move at all. His thighs were locked between Takaki's knees and his wrists were pinned down by the kissing addict on top of him.

Daiki moaned to be set free and Takaki broke the kiss. "What's wrong? Am I hurting you?"  Arioka immediately shook his head.

Yuya took a pocky stick and shoved it in his mouth. He let Arioka nibble off chunks as he himself chewed some. They were finally at the stub and another kiss began.

But Arioka quickly pulled away. The taste of pocky and Takaki was his mouth and it was all too sweet. "Something wrong?" Yuya mumbled, pushing Daiki back down flat on the couch.

"No. it's just that it's a bit uncomfortable... We're supposed to be fri---"

Takaki didn't want to hear it. "I.. don't wanna.. be.. friends..." he whined between soft kisses. "I wanna.. be more than... that... I wanna be.. closer... Dai-chan.. I love you..." Daiki's eyes were wide open. He went incoherent inside of his head and people were screaming at him with joy.

Why do i feel so happy? Why am I smiling to the fact that Takaki loves me? Is it because I love him, too?

Arioka closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around the older's neck, returning the kiss at last. He pulled him down more, deepening the kiss.

Takaki pried the younger's lips open and his tongue swarmed in. It roamed around, touching every possible thing in its way. Then when it reached Daiki's tongue, they played a little game, earning lots of mews and moans escaping Arioka's lips.

They pulled apart, panting. Not a word was said as Takaki squeezed next to Daiki's. He hugged him tight, scared he might fall during their slumber. "Dai-chan... I love you." Arioka cuddled in, inhaling the sweet scent of Takaki.

"Mmm, I love you, too.." he murmured against Takaki's neck and he snuggled closer to his chest. And they fell asleep, the scent of pocky in the air... The pocky that brought their love together.

---------------------The End-------------------------


fluff, arioka daiki, takaki yuya, tadaiki, fanfiction

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