Jan 04, 2009 15:58
I got 12 hours of sleep last night, and I still feel a bit tired. I got two shots the other night, a tetanus booster and the third Gardasil shot, one in each arm, so my arms were horribly sore all day yesterday. Plus I got about 5 hours of sleep the night before last and woke up at 8:30 AM. This all added together meant that I felt like *crap* all day. I was wondering if I was getting sick, and I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. I wanted to go to bed at about 8:00 PM, lol, but I lasted until 11:00 and then conked out. Woke up at 5:00 AM, went back to bed, and woke up again around 9:30 when my alarm went off. I was planning to get up by 10:00, but then my kitty came and laid down with me, so I couldn't get up then, lol. I finally dragged myself away from him at 11:00. I just think I could spend hours petting cats. I really do. I wuv their little noses, and their paws, and their their ears! Oh goodness. I'm definitely going to be a crazy cat lady.
There are a few things I really need to get done. FIrst of all, I'd like to get another chapter or two of PWF. And secondly, I need to get my room straightened up and organized. Thankfully, I went through a bunch of my clothes a few months ago when Heather moved out because we had to divide up our stuff. I went through it again a few days ago and pulled out another three or so tops. This still means that I have no room whatsoever, but since Heather's not living here anymore, I've taken over her closet. I'm storing all of my coats/jackets/hoodies in there, and I may move some more things over if necessary. Right now, I need to buy some more hangers.
I just need to get organized, really. Everything is sort of thrown somewhere, my dresser drawers don't always close because they're too full. I just have too much stuff, and it's time to throw things out. I am determined to do this before I go back to college. Classes start again on the 19th, and goshdangit I will have everything in order by then.
Tiffany Lea