Mar 21, 2005 01:07
Well well well.... Here we are on another day of what is my journal. This entry proves to be just as boring as the rest so hit that back button now before you get to the point that you've just read too much to give up on it now.
Okay, I was thinking to myself "Self, you need an interesting topic to write on". I finally came up with something. Then I figured why the hell would anyone want to know exactly how many ounces of urine I pass in a days time. Then I came up with another idea. That one would be unfit to read by anyone under 21. Then the winner came along. What movies describe your life and why. Now, the main genres of movies are:
Sci-Fi/Fantasy (Futuristic or How you wish you were. Dosen't have to be Sci-Fi/Fantasy though)
Now, MY action movie would have to be "Scarface". Why you ask? Nosey little twit aren't you? It would be "Scarface" because that's how I'm wanting to be and hopefully will be. Someone, who pulls himself up by the bootstraps and makes a name for himself and is respected. That's what I want to be. Well, minus the dead hookers and enough cocaine to remake "It's a Wonderful" in cosmic snowy scenes.
My Comedy Movie would have to be Coneheads. I always feel akward and out of place and from another planet. That's about it. Nothing really much left to say except that I dont have the pointy head but I certainly would love to have the room. Could always use it for expansion.
My Romance Movie would have to be blank. Not that i have no love life... I just cant think of a movie that fits my love life other than something in the adult section with the beaded curtain hanging down that even if you are over 18 you dont want anyone knowing you're going in and try to sneak in.
Sci-Fi/Fantasy would be Boiler Room. I wanna be a mover. I wanna be a shaker. I wanna be rich but most importantly I wanna be Vin Diesel. Not just because he's got abs of steel and the arms to match but he's got a bankroll that could even choke a female pornstar after 35 years in the biz.
There they are. My movies. What are your movies? Dont want a long detailed explanation in the replys though. This is my journal, not yours. Noone came here to read what you wrote. So, reply away.... both of you. If both of you really do read my journal. If you're reading and just too embarssed to come forth, that's unacceptable. Post something jackass. Noone cares who you are anyways.