Day 3 Central America, Roatan, Honduras 8-27-07

Sep 05, 2007 15:31

(click on the photo for the rest of the story and more photos!)

(I just love this shot, taken just down the road from our hotel)

I so badly wanted to see the sunrise on Roatan, but for the life of me, I could not wake up another morning before 5am. I decided to sleep in a little, and let Jayson report back to me how the sunrise was...

(Pure paradise! Our hotel rented out snorkeling gear)

(This was the view we had every time we walked outside our hotel)

(All the signs for everything on that road, all in one spot!)

After our yummy morning snack, we sought out a place for breakfast. Island life of course, does not wake up before 9. I was lucky when we found a place that would serve us before they were officially open. We both had a glass of fresh squeezed pineapple/orange juice, and I had a lovely plate of juevos rancheros with black beans and mantequilla (everything in Honduras comes with mantequilla).

(The view from where we had breakfast)

After our leisurely breakfast we went to find a scooter to rent, and talked to the locals about recommended must see’s around the island. The general consensus was that the West Bay was a must, if we couldn’t go anywhere else. We had to go book our flight out of there for the next morning, at the airport, before we could go exploring. It only took about 30 minutes to get to the airport on the scooter, and it was just a gorgeous ride, it didn’t really matter how long it took. After all, we were not on a chicken bus anymore.

(Our transportation for the day)

We were told by several locals, that there was to be a strike of all city employees that Monday until that Wednesday, so we had no choice but to fly out of there. We were quite lucky to get the last two seats on the only flight off of Roatan, back to San Pedro to try and catch our connecting flight to get back to Houston.

After we purchased the plane tickets, we were free to go exploring! We followed directions the best we could to try and find the famous beaches at the West Bay.

(So many butterflies, so hard to capture!)

I got to take over driving the scooter at this point. I was having a lot of fun until we made two really stupid decisions.

I happened to drive right past an amazing view of the ocean detailing all the vast shades of blue, and Jayson had to point it out to me. Before we could agree on anything, he had hopped off the scooter, and left me there on a 45 degree hill with this heavy machine. I was having a terrible time trying to keep the scooter from rolling down the hill on me, and in the heat, sweat, and confusion, my right hand slipped on the throttle, and with my left hand still grabbing on the other side, it dragged me a couple feet before I had a chance to react and let go.

The bike got a bit damaged, but it was me that took the brunt of the damage. I stood there covered in blood screaming for Jayson, and he came running making sure I was OK. All I could think of was to get mad at him for leaving me with the scooter on such a steep hill. Unfortunately we were in an area where houses were in the middle of being built, so there wasn’t anyone around who could help us. I flagged down a man in a car, and he saw how much blood I had on me, so he gave me a ride to a place he thought could help me, “The Mayan Princess”. This was a 5 star resort tourists pay about $200/night for. I went into the lobby, and everyone there helped me as much as they could, but didn’t really know what to do for me. I cleaned up with soap and water, and tried to stick the couple of band aids they had, to my wounds. Sadly, they didn’t have more than 2 or 3 tiny cheap band aids to give me. When your constantly sticky and sweaty from the humidity, those don’t really stick. I gave up on the idea of real band aids, and they informed me that doctors are not available on the island until after 5:30pm, and it was only about noon or 1pm.

The man at the front desk, was kind enough to tell me to go ahead and go into the water. The salt water would help more than anything. Fortunately for us, the beach that the hotel was on, was almost empty, and better than we would have probably found on our own. We stayed for probably 2 hours. The water was amazing, and the salt water only really stung the worst wound on my thigh. Other than that, I was so glad to be there on the quiet beach front resort.

(Our near empty resort for the day!)

(Yes, we dared to take our digital cameras in the water to get better shots!)

(Proof I am an Island Princess!)

(I think Jayson needs just a little more sun ;) hehe)

After we finally felt like we had enough swimming for the day, we took off back to our hotel. We returned the bike after the guy had left so he wouldn’t question the big scratch down the side, and went shopping. I hadn’t seen enough civilization until Roatan, so this was my last chance for souvenirs. Jayson and I met up after he returned the bike, and went to look for a phone so he could call home. That was just as ridiculously priced as the internet!

After all the excitement for the day, it was time to find food. The last place we ate at, wasn’t nearly as good as everything else we had tasted before this point. We were only one of two tables in the entire restaurant. As it turned out, the other table was a Missionary group from Seattle!

I enjoyed a local Mayan beer, and the awesome sunset.

The last night was peaceful, but also rather sad. I didn’t want to leave Roatan just yet, though I was looking forward to returning to a country with good band aid selections!

(This was our view from the restaurant the night before. I forgot to throw this one in earlier!)

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