Apr 24, 2005 15:14
Last night and this whole weekend was amazing!!! Friday night I went over to Jake's house after work and work was a lot of fun cause I made the money... Jakes was SOOO SWEET I got to hang out with Ryan finally which was a lot of fun even though he wouldnt dance for me. And then last night I ended up going back over there and we relocated to Brad's basement. I ended up pumping some iron with the fellas and on frida I ended up making $6 because Trevor just gave me a dollar I think for dancing and then I beat Adam at arm wrestling so he gave me $5. And once again the morning ritual of leos has been carried out both this morning and yesterday. There was so many people there which was really sweet. I was the only one out of our little posse that ended up going and I was going to go over to Courtney's but I ended up staying at Jakes house. I love all of you guys I had so much fun with all of you and a special thanks to captian Kasey hahaha. Geeze what a crazy night. I'm not too sure what is really going on with everything as of now with some things but hopefully it will all work out for the better. Tonight we are all going to the movies so that should be fun but first me and steph are going to papagos to get our checks and to get food of course....call if you want to join. Oh yeah and then before I went over there last night I went to Mugs to see yuri's band play and they sound sooo good!!! Everyone should go to their show in Canton on Friday becuase it will definatly be worth it. I got to see everyone up there and rob basically killed me lol... he punched me SUPER hard in the boob and all I got to do in return was kick him becuase I was in too much pain and there wasn't enough room to really have a full out fight. ROB WE SHALL BATTLE IT OUT LATER!! ADAM GIBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooo hoo! I love you guys too!! and I'm very happy that we got to play or kinda just stand together lol. hahah I'm sitting here watching this fat lady with a jello shirt on make little jello molds and she went to get the jello out of a really big moldand almost dropped the whole thing, then she laughed really hard at how jiggly the jello was hahahahha ohhh man! Now it is snowing and when I woke up this morning I opened the door and everything looked sooo pretty. The trees look so cool. I really want it to be sumemr but the snow looks so beautiful that I don't mind it sticking around for a little bit. Who knows maybe there will be a snow day tomorrow, how sweet would that be. Everyone do the snow dance!