Apr 12, 2005 18:17
Well in a nut shell this the LIFE OF STEPH AND CHRISTEN!
forevrandaday11: kkk
SuperG553: klu klux klan!
SuperG553: now why didnt they have any questions about that on the meap?
forevrandaday11: Halolitopila palalia maccarine wen is finy er a ga misos so buina hallo lil lil oh pia macerina....heyyy MACARINA!!! OYEEEYYY. Now don't you worry about you're boyfriend. The boy whose name was sicerino. Don't want him, cant stand him!
forevrandaday11: hahah does that sound right to u
SuperG553: holy shat who did that?
forevrandaday11: haha me!!
SuperG553: I couldnt even read it its in spanish lol
forevrandaday11: lol no tis not!
forevrandaday11: i ame up the words
forevrandaday11: to amke it sound right
forevrandaday11: like the macerina
forevrandaday11: say it outloud
SuperG553: i did i said it really slow!
forevrandaday11: hahhaha arabian crppled man!!!!!!!!
forevrandaday11: hahhahahahhaha omg last ngiht i was like " kevin ahve u ever seen that science move with the man that cant tlka or move so he ahs to talk by typing"
forevrandaday11: and hes like uhhh noo.. and jac is liek eyah i know!!!
forevrandaday11: and i wa slike...welll u kinda look like him
forevrandaday11: wow....thank you. so i look like a retarted crippled man
SuperG553: man i am going to post this whole thing on livejournal lol
forevrandaday11: r ua ctually laughgin tho!
forevrandaday11: hahahha
forevrandaday11: make sure u do cuz i will put it under my momories to save forveer and ever!!!!