Apr 27, 2010 09:51

Y'know you have to take a long, hard look at your life and afterlife when you come to the realization that the most prominent activity you've been using to break the monotony is hours upon hours of paperwork. Not that it's something that could be too easily changed back home -- obligations being the pain in the ass that they are, and a certain need for discretion pretty much guaranteeing that every one of your top five childhood dream jobs are no longer an option. When that's the case you either let yourself be miserable about it, or you look at that old and very long list of exciting careers and convince yourself that you must have been something of an attention whore as a kid, and move on as though you've clearly made the best decision.

And back home, I'd say it was -- now that I've had a few years to settle into a routine. But unlike home, I don't get to go to Happy Time five days a week and delegate pencil pushers, and to top off the list of all saddest possible things that could be said about a person that chose to come here, I kind of miss the paper work.

I'd say that this place could use a little more order, but something tells me that the ensuing clusterfuck in trying to make it happen would probably not be worth the trouble.

wardening, omggg just gimme a form to fill out, monologuing

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