The specific kinds of long black dresses currently worn by Hasidic and non-Hasidic Orthodox Jews in Israel seem to be much more recent than the 18th century, you are right. But they have evolved from earlier versions under the influence of the thinking, tastes and climate prevalent around. I have mentioned 18th century because it was a time of many changes in the Jewish world of Eastern Europe. I do not know this, but I guess the current fashion can be traced back to that time.
I stand corrected about the dates - the real story is much more complicated than what I have thought. But this does not change my central argument. The current fashion has appeared and evolved in Eastern Europe during the last 200-300 years. It has very little, if anything, to do with the ancient Jewish history in the Middle East. The European Jews have changed the traditional dress many times, they did not fear modernization, they responded to Hasidism, Haskalah, changes in surrounding fashion etc. The current Israeli ones do not - they cling to irrelevant traditions and invent justifications for their weakness. This is the wrong response to the changing world.
I stand corrected about the dates - the real story is much more complicated than what I have thought. But this does not change my central argument. The current fashion has appeared and evolved in Eastern Europe during the last 200-300 years. It has very little, if anything, to do with the ancient Jewish history in the Middle East. The European Jews have changed the traditional dress many times, they did not fear modernization, they responded to Hasidism, Haskalah, changes in surrounding fashion etc. The current Israeli ones do not - they cling to irrelevant traditions and invent justifications for their weakness. This is the wrong response to the changing world.
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