Dec 28, 2005 23:26
now, it's your turn to bear with me...
you don't know me..or what i've felt in this shit. you won't understand because you people are not in my position.. you have to right to judge me!
i have all the blame because i was the one who ended it. but that does not mean i did not appreciate every bit of kindness he's done for me... it hurt him a lot, i know, because i've been in his place. that's why i did what i thought was necessary to put an end to the suffering and prevent more that has to come. he was not the only one who got injured. what happened also gave me a taste of a living hell and the guts to face the humiliation and criticisms it brought as an aftermath..
when you've already found your REAL lass, you'll get over this FAKE lass (NOT fair lass, mind you).. that lass would probably be the woman who will not give in to any bullcrap present in this world.
change is inevitable.. that fact applies to you, me, and everyone else.. do not condemn others because i changed.
you don't have to desperately find out what you lack. that part of me you discovered was one thing i did not know until now. our past relationship helped in that way.. and i have yet to see more about me.
take care..
see you when i see you..