lol i went over to adams with robert cause he got 2 new airsoft guns, it was fun as hell we knocked over a portapotty in the middle of nowhere and i shot it with the gun then we were fucking arround in his room with his 2 guns and we were shooting everywhere so they were ricoshaying off the walls and and hitting us hardcore and one hit me in the shoulder like pointblank from adam and i was like FUCKK so i ran into one of the corners and it was crazy there was bullets everywhere then i just see robert turn arround with the gun and shoot me pointblank from like 5 feet away in the fucking face , it hurt so hardcore....this is what i look like after that shit.
fucking hurts to lol, then later that night it was like 3 in the morning and we were gonna sneak out we had all the guns and shit in the living room and all of a sudden all the lights turn on and his mom comes out of her room, we like just fall on the guns and act asleep, she came out 3 or 4 times , like she knew we were goign to sneak out, creepy shit... lol, talk to you guys later, didnt sleep at all last night and im kinda tired