Aug 08, 2006 23:39
today my dad walked in my room and said he was re-doing the voice recording on his business phone line and that he wanted a woman's voice to say it and he said that stephanie [my stepmom] already did her rendition but that he wanted to see how good or bad i could do it. so i did it and he contemplated his decision for a second and decided that mine was better. i went back to getting ready. blah blee blahhh. then i overheard him telling my stepmom that he was going to go with mine because he liked it more and she got super defensive about it and said that my voice was too melancholy. i hardly think that she knows what melancholy means. i mentioned this to my dad. he agreed and said that she probably meant "mellow". oh well. i don't think it's a big deal. my dad just went with hers because it wasn't worth starting a fight about. i also overheard him say that he wish he knew someone british because that would sound good on his recording. i told him that i do a mean british accent and that i practice it at work. he declined my offer.
whatever, she can have her stupid chipper unmelancholy voice on his voicemail thing. i truly do not care. it baffles me that she took it so seriously.
it made me laugh earlier.
in other news, i saw a bunny sitting in front of my house when i got home tonight. i tried to go up to her, even knowing that when i got within 20 feet she'd pounce away. i think a part of me was hoping she'd let me pet her and then she'd make little bunny calling sounds and lots of bunnies would skip over and swarm around me and lay on me as i pet them and hugged them. deer would come too. and other fuzzy stuff that likes to cuddle. and by that, i do not mean horny italians.
p.s. my friend IMed me out of the blue:
gringoloco92106: hello
apathyamoeba: hey
gringoloco92106: hows it goin
apathyamoeba: very well, what about you?
gringoloco92106: well im about to go get tanked in a semi stolen car
gringoloco92106: so im doin ok i guess