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I'm not a particularly political person, and we know that.
And, anyone who knows me very well, will know that I'm pretty firm in my political stances on many issues, and may even be described as--dare I say--a little borderline-conservative. While I can understand a group's determination for success, it is not on my own personal agenda, and do not feel like I should be pressured into giving a damn about the progress of gay rights. I guess maybe it's because, hey, I don't feel oppressed, why does it matter?
Okay. I understand why it matters. I understand that it's a huge important issue, and that "change" is a pretty big deal right now. Maybe what I don't understand is WHY it's an issue. Maybe there's this little liberal parrot in me that says "everyone is deserves to be equal" (think about the Virgin Mary in Pecker) and that, gee, I don't know, maybe the entire idea of marriage [as a whole] is just stupid and completely heterosexist.
Sometimes I fear the people don't know that I have opinions, but only because I don't discuss things like this in real life. OR on the internet. I almost feel that people even think I'm a little insensitive because of my views on minorities and on poverty (okay, and on the two related). And while I think maybe minorities/poverty/homelessness/alcoholism/drug abuse/pornography/et al and gay rights aren't very pressing issues, they are to someone.
At least I can find the empathy to understand why a same-sex couple who have been together for multiple decades would want to get married. I can find the empathy to realise that there are people who are oppressed because of things on the same plane as this.
Oh. So that's what the whole thing is about. Mormons are unfeeling assholes. Noted.