Mar 01, 2004 14:07
what day is it today. Sunday? well, on friday night i got what was left of my poor lil heart stomped on, spit on, hammered, smooshed, burned, and peed on. all in all, it was a good day.
then saturday a friend and i bought michelle from bstreet (my work) two fishes. and she loved them and wouldnt stop playing with them all night. the one i picked is cuter but the one my friend picked is bigger. i hope his doesnt eat mine. a bunch of people i knew came in, mallory and her friend, danny and his friend, daniel stayed for a really long time AND broght me pretty flowers AND moved my car which made me really really happy, and vivian and her brother. i had a really fun night somehow, despite my previous day's turnout. i dont know whats going on with that but im still really upset. which is really rare, to be still upset the next day. but then when you think about it, im still really pissed about a dfferent ex boyfriend cheating on me. maybe i just stay mad about that stuff. anyway. im going to work now, and am going to try and study, then im coming home and studying some more.
So when you fall to the ground
And finally get back to reality
And no one at all is around
So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?