the moon is closer to the sun than i am to anyone

Jul 09, 2004 13:13

The drive to Sacramento was terrible, I thought we'd never get there. My car doesn't have arm rests or cruise control, so my right arm as locked in the same position pretty much the whole way there. When I would try to switch hands, traffic would stop, suddenly, and Allison and I would almost die when I had to slam on my breaks.

Applegate is... nothing. I saw Alicia's house, two others, a trailer park, and a sign that said there was a gas station somewhere. To get anywhere from Applegate, you must get on the freeway, since there is literally nothing there. The town of Applegate is a street. We drove on the freeway for 10 minutes the first night, just to get pizza.

Anyhow, Warped was pretty fun. There was a water play-thing/fountain that everyone was walking under since it was so hot out. I forgot to wear sunscreen.
We missed most of Underoath because Allison was dragging me around looking for My Chemical Romance, which it turns out we had passed by twice. After MCR was Guttermouth, and I thought they were hilarious as always, but I thought it was really inappropriate for people to bring their BABYS to see them.
We met a lot of people, and sat down in some band's tent with them, talked to Hunter from AFI and Sonny from, From Firt To Last, and I walked up to the TRUTH van with a lit cigarette in my hand trying to win a t-shirt. They wouldn't give it to me.

I had the worst headache afterward, and none of us had eaten the over-priced food, so we stopped by taco bell on the way back. Then Alicia, Allison and I bugged people on myspace and went through our old yearbook.

The drive home was much faster, which was very nice. When I came home I found out I start my new job at 730 Monday morning. Yay?
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