Jun 08, 2005 23:03
luckily i've learned from the past. i'm over these sorts of things and i am strong enough to deal with them. so please, don't bother with the lame livejournal posts and rude remarks because at this point in life it's just not worth it. people have the right to their own opinions and i suppose in most situations i respect them. personally, i don't form an opinion and immediatly act on it without knowing the facts. i also don't turn to live journal to solve my problems. I have the courage to actually comfront someone and attempt to solve the issue. but that's just me. so even though i am hypocritacally posting this, i felt it was the only way i could get your attention. all i'm going to say in my defense is i was there, the truth can only come from my mouth. so please, there is one week left of school and i am not wasting it on bullshit drama because it's honestly not important to me anymore. your words hurt me which is what im assuming you were trying to accomplish. luckily i don't have to say awful things on a website to try to convince people how horrible someone is. you have people that love you and i have people that love me and honeslty thats all that matters. there is one week left of school and i am choosing to spend it with the people i love and my friends that are leaving. this is a hard enough time that me and many other people are going through and i know that no one wants to deal with this kind of shit when half of their friends are moving across the country. thanks.