(no subject)

Jul 24, 2005 15:15

Boo! It's me me me and I'm having fun.

I'm at Brown University Rockerfeller Library (or 'the Rock' as university types call it) and it is FUN. I am like the coolest person around because I have a British accent and know all kinds of crazy britsh slang. I mean, these people don't even know what a wanker is. Or a tosser. How useless they are.

I have made friends with lots of nice people, and my room mate is awesome. She's called Nicole and is uber-smart (she's taking a biochem class...) and just generally really cool.

On the first night here I made friends with this guy called Doug but I couldn't remember his name, so for like an entire week I called him 'headphones' (not to his face... doi...) or 'maybedoug' because I'm such a douchebag I couldn't remember if he'd said his name or if I was just making up that his name was Doug. He is literally always wearing headphones, either round his neck or he's listening to music. Either way he's a dude and I like him.

The only problem I'm having is with this crazy drinking law thing. Like, I don't want to go out and buy alcomohol because that's stupid, but you can't even order it in a restaurant... not even a friggin beer! Or you'll get arrested. By the fat police (I am afraid to say I saw a rather portly copper with a few donuts... way to break the stereotype). I am already putting myself at risk by wearing my *new* hat with a communist badge on it. KILL THE BRITISH COMMIE! *dies*

Oh yeah, my converse now have union jacks on the toes. It looks hella cool. I love Sharpie. I also have messages in my shoes from Michelle and Manting and Lauren =D I love these people! THEY LIKE ME!

I'ma go check my e-mail and the nyooz and stuff so I'm not completely out of touch with the real world.

tara for now
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