Mar 23, 2007 15:12
I read the newspaper in the library today during a lull in co-op. On the front page one of the features showed an attractive young lady with the headline, "Beautiful Inside and Out."
Followed by, "Laxative maker Metamucil goes for sexy ad pitch."
Oh, fuck no
And it gets worse, if you can believe that. The ad shows the woman showing off her mid-section upsidedown-like with the caption, "Drop-dead gorgeous guts" in fancy text.
Real subtle, guys. I especially like the drop-dead part. Is that to cover your ass in legal battles; "Can't say we didn't warn you"?
/bad puns
And they say ads cause eating disorders? PsssssssssssshawNOWAI. :D
crazy ass shit,
random acts of dumb