I hope you're feeling happy now?

May 01, 2008 23:08

I've always loved this song the vid is somewhat odd i'd not ever seen the vid untill the the other day which made me wonder about the comeing generations? I have never been apart of the MTV generation as i've never really had much access to MTV (or similar music TV stations) i don't rember many songs by there video. My thoughts turn to the song video killed the radio star a popular song when i was young but i think it was old even then, but did video really kill the radio star. Cause most of my favorite songs from when i was younger i remember in audio i remeber how they sounded and to some extent how they made me feel... but i wonder with the comeing generations weather they will rember them as much visualy what with iphones and touch screen devices becoming more prevalent people can carry around videos like we used to carry around tapes (arn't tape walkmans starting to seam funny old things). I wonder what effect (affect?) this will have in time to come as audio and visual stimulus are processed in differant ways i wonder how having a heavey visual stimulation associated with music will affect how people record memorys with there favorite songs?... any one with a psycology background (james? lucy?) have an opinion to venture? Looking on you tube for FYC and skunk anansie was quite amuseing cas largly i'd not seen the vid that go with the songs. The vid for everyday hurts it strukck me that skin looked quite happy bouncy whilst singing "everyday hurts" which is not the picture i always had. I've always danced to it as if i where still bleeding but carrying on... but then thinking about it sometimes you just have to smile cause it is all so absurd...

Been to the cinema twice in one week yay... once was street kings not a bad film if you like your cop films... a reasonably well thought out plot god shooty shooty effects and an appearance by house... Tonight film was IRon Man a fairly good output from marvel nice special effects, I'm not familur with the comic strip so i can't say much about plot consitency but i thought the plot carryed fairly well and managed to get a longish background story in without getting too dull... and as sometimes happens with these kinda techfilms i'm thinking we soooo need more funding and his CAD software would soooo help not to mention the User Interface that is good interface design something that is so often lacking in software.
I suppose i should try and stop whinking about/of her while i'm at the cinema near 4 years of watching trailers and wondering if she'd like this film or that or just little thing here and there that make me think like the stars on the paramount logo or the times that i'd just wishing... do you rember i used to invite you on tuesdays?... it's funny you always made the point of saying that you can't and not that you'd like too but.. i wonder if i should have paid more attention to that.... bah...~~waves hands in the air~ As i said i shouldprobably try to stop thinking about that kinda think...

It was sunny over the weekend and i have such and association between sunlight and her i guess partly that would com from gaining my appreciation of sunny days properly in the last somany years i used to appreciate sunny days on a slightly removed level that they enabled, for example sitting in the park, as in not raining can go out to play but now i can appreciate the sunnyness just laying with the sun shining on your face as a warm caress and traveling by train with the sun shining definatly brings thoughts of her.... there is also the photographic aspect as well as sunny days can be reasly good for some types of photos as long as ya don't get over exposed and that obviously brings an association with her.... I hope i don't lose my likeing of sunny days or rather i hope lose this sadness somehow without loseing the goodness of sunshine... cause that would suck.. i don't think i want to go back to the days when i didn't really care if it where sunny so long as it was warm enough to go play.... i think back then i was missing something...

I'll leave with
A song with such strong lyrics which is what i really like about skunk anansie
"a circle of angels deep in war..." "if i opened my hart tehre'd be no space for air...."
weak as i am, no tears for you.... still working on that one ~winks~

hopes for good weekend for all
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