Aug 10, 2005 23:58
i had work again today - last day though for the week. thank god so i have off thursday - monday. i go back to work on tuesday again. kriss got sick so she didnt come to work today... which meant i was pretty bored. i fell asleep literally 3 times today like for 20 mins. lol. after work i came home and sat around till about 6ish. then i went to the aquarium center with courtney and bought 3 fishies and a frog. they are so cute. haven;t named them yet - so they are nameless obvioiusly. but yea. then when i got home i went to south street with kriss kevin and mark - the kids from work - and we prolly spent more time parking then actually shopping. we only went to 2 places - condom kingdom and jim's steaks. ahha condom kingdom is hilarous. me and kriss were playing with the condom's that you pump up and the sex toys. ahah. it was pretty funny. then we ate at jim's and after that we left?? kinda gay. the boys didnt want to do ANYTHING so we just went back to kriss' house and went swimming for about an hour then went inside. where we listened to them ramble on and on about mr. deeds and say lines over & over again - and they still weren;t funny. but yea. so that was my day <3