saliva is a laxative

Jun 25, 2005 16:01

Has anybody else noticed this? You swallow too much of it without any food mixed in, and the intestines start to wiggle and groan?

I have had a post-nasal drip for a few weeks. For the past two days I have been hocking the gunk from my throat and then... swallowing. It's gross, but you can't spit just anywhere. ("Excuse me, Company Vice President? May I hock something in your trash can?") You also can't just leave that gelatinous muck in your throat, where it will hang heavily and make your voice sound like a teacher from Peanuts.

So my tummy hurts. Last night a friend and I were going to go to a bar with 80s karaoke, and I totally ruined it by feeling awful. We left my house thinking we would get to embarrass ourselves by singing old Siouxie songs in front of strangers, but walking anywhere made me feel awful. I never even made it into the bar.

Pout. I blame the PND. Got some alka seltzer today, but also some decongestant.
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