The War on Drugs and DARE are are Anti Drug commericals, but they are hella gay.

Nov 28, 2004 02:50

Have you ever seen the anti drug commercial where the kid where the girl keeps seeing her grandma and then it cuts to her stealing from her grandma's purse while her grandma sits in the other room crocheting or participating some other old lady activity. Then the deep voice comes over and goes "You'll never know the people you hurt when you use drugs."

First off if you steal to buy anything you are a goddamn junkie for whatever. You deserve to be inpaled with a large black penis. Ok this brings me to how these commercials, propaghada and drug prevention programs just blatantly make assumtions and tell half truths. I rememer in dare when the fat ass drunk cop used to get up in front of us in class and tells us how if you take one hit off a cigarette or one sip of a beer or even one drag of a joint that you will become addicted for good. This is the kind of bullshit that we are pumping into the minds of our young while sending a mixed message to take medication for everything and that it will solve all your problems. Why do you think people have an addictive personality? There are 3.6 million heroin users in the United States...0.5% of these 3.6 million use on an every day basis and 1.5% of those 3.6 use 1 or 2 times a month...We are contstatly told that smoking weed leads to acid and then to coke and then to the ultimate addiction HEROIN. Fuck, what kind of stupid shit is that...."Druggies lose intrest in weed because they can't get enough of the feeling so they get somthing stronger." Most people can smoke everyday and still get fucking may have to smoke D Nug but unless you smoke every hour on the hour you probaly won't have a tolerence big enough to fend off a few good bong hits of Dank. Most people who smoke alot of weed tend to burn themselves off it and just go back to being straight. Its not addictive unless you your self have some self esteem problems and think that your somehow better smoking weed or trying to escape from your problems through it. If you have these problems do me and everyother citizen who pays taxes or parents pay taxes and save us all the rehab and jail bills by walking your hopeless ass into traffic.

Q. Has Anyone Ever Died From Smoking Marijuana?

A. No; not one single case, not ever. Unless you get hella stoned and eat until you fucking pass out like a gluttunous bitch. THC is one of the few chemicals forwhich there is no known toxic amount [10]. The federal agency NIDA saysthat autopsies reveal that 75 people per year are high on marijuana when they die: this does not mean that marijuana caused or was even a factor in their deaths. The chart below compares the number of deaths attributable to selected substances in a typical year:

Tobacco...............................340,000 - 395,000
Alcohol (excluding crime/accidents).............125,000+
Drug Overdose (prescription)............24,000 - 27,000
Drug Overdose (illegal)...................3,800 - 5,200

*Source: U.S. Government Bureau of Mortality Statistics, 1987

Yeah wow so why isn't this shit legal...Damn I really want to smoke cigarettes all the time and drink more than Humprey Bogart in Casablanca...Dying is so cool. "Well Marajuna can cause lung cancer." MY FOOT IN YOUR ASS CAN CAUSE COLON PYLOPS! You dumb bastards tests have been run smoking anything is not healthy, but marijuana is less dangerous than tobacco and people smoke less of it at a time. This health risk can be avoided by eating the plant instead of smoking it, or can be reduced by smoking smaller amounts of stronger marijuana. There is no proof that marijuana causes serious health or sexual problems Cannabis is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable theraputic uses - from stress reduction to glaucoma to asthma to cancer therapy, etc. Unlike Tabacco and Alcohol which have no real use other than pleasure which is a sin because God hates happiness.

"You can become psycologically addicted." Most users are moderate consumers who smoke it socially to relax. We now know that 10% of our population have "addictive personalities" and they are neither more nor lesslikely to overindulge in cannabis than in fucking yogurt. On arelative scale, marijuana is less habit forming than either sugar
or chocolate but more so than anchovies. Sociologists report a general
pattern of marijuana use that peaks in the early adult years, followed
by a period of levelling off and then a gradual reduction in use.

America has one of the lowest education rates in the civilized western countries, and also has one of the highest drug usage rates...Prohibition is proven to increase the use of whatever is prohibited. I also don't recall the ever reading in the constitution that the goverment can tell me how what plants I can or cannot smoke. Why not stop spending money on somthing you can will never be able to conquer the drug market so stop trying and stop crowding jails with a bunch of people who contribute to society by having jobs. Why not conquer illiteracy and ignorance by having a War On Education...Money well spent...Or we could always buy everyone a hooker...

To sum it up Fuck The Partnership For A Drug Free America...thats a fucking pipe dream...some one needs to stop cheifing before work...Fuck DARE its pointless and propaghanda and fuck the goverment they can't do anything right...I mean the fucking president choked on a goddamn pretzel...he had to have been on do you choke on a fucking pretzel...

If you disagree with this you are wrong because I am always right. Eat me.
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