So we all compared our war wounds at work last night

Sep 11, 2007 06:48

Steve looked like he had been mauled by a wild raccoon and Bobby had scrapes all over from tackling Kat in the parking lot after she attacked Chris. I look like a vampire victim, but I'm totally playing it off a a hicky. It's much less un-cool that way....ah, good times.... My only regrets from the other night are the hurling in the bush and spilling my heart out to someone who could never care about me like I need to be cared about. Both were totally sobering experiences, though, so I am good. On the upside, Shotgun Sally (hehe) showed me how to play pool MUCH better and I was SOO excited! She's such an awesome woman. It's weird for me to look up to someone so much, but then again, I have met few people like her in my entire life. I love how Sterling has become a family to me. A fucked up, gambling addicted, alcohol and cigarette drenched family, but one I have grown to love. That's all the sap I have for now. The sun is up and I am off to bed. YAY!
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