Your Rising Sign is Capricorn
Old fashioned and conservative, you carry yourself with dignity.
You have a tough exterior, and you can be intimidating when you want to be.
Hard working and ambitious, you can survive in the most cut throat work enviroments.
Outside of work, you are a true friend to everyone in your small inner circle.
You may have had a difficult time earlier in life.
Capricorns are late bloomers and you may be coming into your own right now.
What is Your Rising Sign? alrighty. i'm sick. i've had a cold for most of the week, but true to tradition, i didn't actually get a fever or anything bad until after school on fridays. so yeah. left work early because i wasn't feeling good. got home. 101.2º. went to bed. woke up. 99.7º. decided i felt good enough to go to drake. it was pretty cool except none of our teams made it to the finals and i was freezing all day. got home. 102º. this morning. 101.5º. not going to work today. i don't know if i'll get sally's oil changed like i was planning on, or if i'll stay home. tomorrow i'm got a track meet and i need to feel better cuz we're going after the soph. 4x8 record. o well. whatever happens happens. cya later. peace.