[nick / name]: kidalana
[personal LJ name]: [info]kidalana
[other characters currently played]:
Angelica :: Gunslinger Girl :: [info]prototipo
[e-mail]: kidalana “at” gmail “dot” com
[AIM / messenger]: don't have one
[series]: Island
[character]: Marue
[character history / background]: Marue has spent her whole life on an “island” town that's forced to be self-sufficient due to its isolation, she lives there with her mother and while is friendly with everyone seems to have only one friend. This one friend is named Aria and she spends plenty of time with the other girl. Though the two spend their time dedicated to one thing; getting over the walls that surround their home and experiencing the outside world. Through some circumstances she is the only person left in her town that can read and understand their language. While she reads everything that she can put her hands on she also is known to sneak into places previously set as 'off-limits' and read books in there too. One such excursion led her to realizing the reality of the situation. Above and beyond the walls is ocean, as far as the eye can see. Marue however doesn't let on that she knows this, and goes as far to not tell Aria. However, in this society that knowledge is shared with everyone above the age of fourteen, so when her friend turns fourteen the elder tells her and then the dream is killed. Marue goes to find her friend and comfort her, though for other reasons, and learns that the other girl has given up on that dream because she thinks it's impossible. But when Aria is told by Marue that she hasn't given up, even with that knowledge, things change, even though she's known all this time she's still wanted to go to the outside world. And so after cheering up her friend she encourages the town people to find all the books they can and help her and Aria get to the outside world. In the end the book-smart girl figures it out and her and her friend go running off into the waters, their dream realized.
[character abilities]: In cannon Marue is specifically mentioned to be “a very special child” due to the fact that she is the only person in her home who can still read and understand their own language. Because of her ability to read she has read any book she can get her hands on, so she has picked up general knowledge about the world. She has a big interest in math and focuses on that to some degree, and has proven to be quite capable of formulating theories and proving them with such skills. However while she is book smart she lacks experience with life outside of her home town, and has proven to not think some things though at times by making silly social errors.
[character personality]: Marue is a pretty calm and collected sort of girl, she gets excited when she's given new books and loves to talk about them. Of all the books she reads she is especially fond of math and most of the sciences. When she decides on a goal she can be very set on it and puts a lot of effort into what she does. She is quite capable of holding conversations and is friendly to everyone. When it comes to thinking things through she can mess up a bit, sometimes missing simple things in a social situation. Such as saying hello to her hiding friend, while the one searching for her friend is still within ear shot. With some encouraging or motivation she can be a convincing liar and/or keep a secret. But for the most part Marue likes to tell the truth and is quite the optimist.
[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: The end of the story, after her and Aria are running into the horizon.
[journal post]: So this is the outside world? Wow, I didn't expect this!
But this came out of no where...
[third person / log sample]:
She's never liked the walls, they cast such a large shadow and seem impossible to climb. But they pose a challenge, one that her and Aria have risen to. A challenge that both her and Aria will over come. Even though they look impossible to climb, Marue and Aria will. One day soon.
“Hey,” Marue looks up from her physics textbook and into the face of her now speaking friend, her pen unmoving as she listens, “Do you think we could throw a rope high enough?”
The idea sounds ridiculous, the walls are far too high for that but... She thinks for a moment, silent and trying to come up with a way to make that work. But in the end, “It wouldn't get far up before it would fall back down again.”
Her friend looks bored, did Aria really think that was going to work? “That's true. Think we could build a cannon now?”
It was an idea they'd humored in the past but been unable to complete, but since they were older. But then again even after years some ideas were still impossible, “Not really...”
A 'hn' and a sigh, Aria must be tired today. But Marue doesn't press the subject, who knows who the other girl's been running away from this morning. The amount of trouble she gets into. And then silence falls, the two look at each other for inspiration and then Marue looks to her book.
“Let's go look at it again!” Aria has jumped from her seat and Marue looks up silently, how many times have they stared at their challenge, what blocks them from their goal? “Maybe we can find some foot holds or something.”
It makes sense, each time they look they might find something new about it. “Let's go then,” and she puts the pen down, leaving the book open and rising from her chair. With a smile she opens the door from her study and shouts that she's leaving with Aria to her mom. Her mother always understands.
And with that Aria whisks her away out the door and into the streets of their town, they walk around and stare up at the structure. Each think to themselves and walk side by side, hoping that they'll figure it out this time. But Aria suddenly is behind a building, hiding from another person, leaving Marue out in the open.
Which is okay though, because most of the time it's Aria they're looking for. And if people want to find Marue it's not because they're mad at her. So she looks around and finds the man walking down the street, what had Aria done to make him mad?
He sees her and approaches, “Have you seen Aria?” Everyone asks her that.
“Aria?” she asks, wondering if he'll explain.
But he doesn't and sighs instead, “I guess I'll find her later,” he gives a small smile, “Did you...?”
And Marue knows this question too, just the week before he'd found a new book for her to read, she'd been out when he'd delivered it to the house so she never got to tell him what it was about. But she didn't blame him for wanting to know, “It's another physics text book, there are some new laws that I haven't seen yet too.” She smiled, very thankful for his kindness, “Thank you for giving it to me.”
The man smiles, feeling like he accomplished something, “Oh it's no problem!” He gives a wave, “If I find anymore I'll bring them by.”
“Okay,” she says and stands there, watching him leave. A previous mistake reminds her to not talk to Aria just yet though and so she just waves farewell to him.
When the man is out of site she walks to where her friend hides; “Hey Aria, I just thought of something.” Inspiration strikes in odd places and as the two start walking again she explains what she thought up. Through out the day Marue either reads or spends her time with Aria, hoping to get over the wall. Both are just as good but she'd like for the later of the two to come to pass, and it will. One day the two will journey together to the outside world.