Nov 15, 2004 23:50
ok life is good in once sense but in another its totally trippy and i dont wanna say anything thing cuz i tend to cause bigger problems with my even bigger mouth there fore my problemes being resolve in the peak of my night hours when i cant sleep sooooo my ankle is being a bitch and i realized whow much i love dance when for the first time im sitting out in lbdc class and i felt soo empty just watching every one do the class and i hate knowing all the stuff there doing i cant do because i skrewed up on a turn and killed my snkle o well its fate i guess well trimmed the hair its weird even though its like an inch i dont like short it brings back memories of fun times and i miss them days in me porch living off of .... everything !! and nothingall at once and the people that i shared it with arent reading this no purpose in typing but to type therefore i will end my escepade on the key board with a kiss ... a kiss to all who read this and comment which is like 1 person lol well hope life treatts u better than it treats my nifty fate with injuries at time of well enlightnment on things that would be possible with out the injsut now im babbling go jsut stop reading this is done .......adeu o yea and if life sux eat a cherry lol these thoughts come form my mind