kill the messenger

Jul 07, 2005 01:50

i swear it's not me, it's just someone i used to know.
and get to church because you're a good girl,
and i never told you that.

Today has been one large toss-and-turn of emotions.

I awoke early to head over to the bank to deal with my paycheck, a student loan, and my social security card. Though I accomplished getting to all of the buildings in question, nothing was actually done. Though I did eat a nice baked potato, covered in pepper, and I thought of Charlie.

I got my haircut, and realized exactly how superficial I am. The man who cut my hair did not use scissors, and used razors and crazy words to chop my hair into odd layers. It's amazing how much we feel our image is defined by that dead skin on our heads, and I was fairly upset at how it ended up. I'll show pictures later. Basically, the only redeeming quality is that I don't have to keep it looking in order. It looks best when I'm all gone to hell.

Afterwards I met up with two lovely people who told me my chop-shop-hairdo wasn't as bad as I made it out to be. I ended up hanging out with one of them at my house for an hour. Afterwards, she, my brother, and I went over to a place called Pizza Quick. Just by the simplistic decor and name, Ray and I had already written it off as a shithole. To our surprise, it was good and cheap as hell. For twelve dollars we got: three sodas, ten sticks of GOOD cheesebread, ten sticks of breadsticks, and one large pizza. :-O Yes. It was awesome. We've already deemed it the best pizza place in Valdosta. <3 I love Pizza Quick.

We proceeded to find our adventure of the night by walking through walmart for an hour. Ray found a whoopee cushion, placed it behind his ass, and danced around and aisle, fake-farting as he went. To his horror, a walmart employee walked up behind him with a look of sheer "What the fuck" on his face, and watched for a good 45 seconds as he obliviously continued his work. It made my night.

Then, we came home, to play Twister. You know how that spiel went. Unfortunately, I made my friend very upset by talking about something that I thought had nothing to do with her. Or rather, she shouldn't have included herself in the group I was speaking of. I don't think there is a worse feeling you get when, after you hug someone, they make that shudder that echoes after a sob. Your body freezes and your stomach drops. You just keep thinking, "Dear God, what did I do?" The night was inevitably dampened after that.

She did however get a record setting combined total of 25 hugs before reaching her car.

Now I'm reading my homework, and wondering how I could have been so mean. I have work tomorrow. :P I'm putting in my two-week notice. If all goes well, I should be out of there by the 22nd of July, and laughing all the way to the bank with my $1000+ total paychecks. Lesson learned: do not become a telemarketer to the stars. It doesn't pay nearly as well as it should.

This was long enough, and nowhere in enough detail to be interesting, but I'd like to be reminded. Goodnight.
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