Heres to you.

May 23, 2004 20:07

I love how my level of stress has decreased a huge amount within just a few days. The only thing I find myself stressed about is deciding what to do on the weekends. Maybe I just stopped caring about everything else.

This weekend was so much fun. I'm going to write about all of it.

Friday was probably the best day for me. Good event after good event kept happening. I can't count how many times we fell into good luck. Carolyn and I went shopping after school and found good deals on everything. I have never bought so much for so little. It was awesome. We bumped into some kids and then went back to her house. At Car's we ate dinner and watched some pretty hilarious TV. Around 9 we headed over to Katy's. At Katy's the party started. We continued to eat a lot and watch lots of Sex in the City. After awhile we called a bunch of different people in attempt to have some fun, but we failed. Instead, well. I'm sure you've allready heard about the rest of our night. It was fucking crazy. Pictures will be posted..

Saturday morning I had to wake up at 7 to go to work. Worked until about 1, and then Austin and Kyle picked me and Allison. Didn't think that date would happened but it did. And it was awesome. We stopped by Relay for a very short moment and then decided to go somewhere cooler.. like the movies. We saw Mean Girls. It was soo good I had wanted to see it so bad for so long. I wish my highschool was like that, but luckily girls aren't THAT stupid. After the movies we picked up christie.. and went to the "prom." Lame as anything, and I was dissapointed that I payed $5 for it. But it was still a lot of fun just hanging out and going driving. We went to this diner and had the oddest waiter ever. It was really funny. Then I went home. Good night.

Today I practiced my parallel parking because I have my driving test super soon. I'm so nervous and if I fail it and have to prolong my license any longer I'm going to cry. I'm serious. After that Austin picked me up and we went back to his house and then for icecream. It was such a nice day today, and it was really sad saying goodbye.

That was my weekend. I'm really happy with everything that is going on. My predictions on a lot of things have been right. Spring cures all wounds. Though I sometimes feel like my life is repeating with different people involved and I'm afraid of what the outcome may be. If this is a repeating scenario I know what to watch out for and what will happen. Being prepared is a good thing, I guess.

So long-     
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