Bailey's Pain

Mar 13, 2012 15:06

On 7 March, I received an SMS from a friend asking me to communicate with a Mini Schnauzer to see if it was lost or abandoned. It was an abandoned dog. She told me an aunty found the dog, brought her home and upon discovering that he was covered with ticks, she threw him out on the streets again.

Someone went down to try looking for the dog but it could not be found. The next day, I received news that the dog is in SPCA.

I could not bear the thought of him being PTS so I decided to bail him out. I went down to SPCA that very afternoon and took the boy out.

When SPCA brought him out, he greeted me with such joy. He's such a sweet and endearing boy.

Through the eyes of BAILEY;

Everyday I live in fear of being beaten. I do not know what I've done wrong and I do not know why my owner is angry at me. I try to stay out of his way for fear of being beaten. I don't know what love is, I've never experience being loved before.

My skin itch and hurts all over. I don't know what is causing the itch and the pain. I hope it will go away but it only got worse.

I heard my owner said, "Get rid of this junk. He's filthy, useless and covered with ticks".

I wondered what is this junk that they are referring to. I do not know what ticks are.

Soon, my owner brought me out, placed me by a deserted road and went off. I was lost and confused. I thought he'd come back for me so I waited and waited. He never came back. I was starving so I wandered off to look for food, eating whatever scraps I could find. The outside world is so scary. I've never been out of the house much. My owner seldom brings me out.

While wandering the streets, I nearly got knocked down by a car. Luckily I managed to escape unscathed. I'm terrified and frantic. What should I do now? Where should I go? THe days are hot and the nights are cold. My ears and my body hurts.

I spent many days wandering the streets. Finally, a lady picked me up and brought me home. I was relieved. I thought I was finally safe.

But never did I expect, after a short while, she took me out of the house and left me on the streets again.

I stood there feeling lost and frantic, wondering what have I done wrong again?

I spent the night huddled under a stairway. Morning came and I heard a man said "There it is". Before I knew what was happening, I was whisked into a carrier and put inside a vehicle.

Soon, I reached a place where I heard lots of barking and noises. I do not like this place. It smells of death. I heard one man said SPCA. What is SPCA? I want to get out but I can't get out of the cage. I was despaired and terrified.

After what felt like eternity, a man took me out of the cage and brought me to a place where a lot of people are talking. I saw 2 ladies and one of them bend down and patted me and said "Baby, you are safe now."

I've never felt so relieved before and I know I'm finally in good hands. I started wagging my tail and lick the lady to show my appreciation.

The 2 ladies then whisked me off in the car. They were discussing about me in the car and I heard them say "So poor thing, smell so terrible, so many ticks."

I reached a place that smelled like chemicals. I heard them say it's the vet. 2 more ladies came and they patted me. I could feel their sadness when they saw the condition I was in. "Long nails, bad ear infection, ticks, eye infection..." I was so confused. There were needles jabbing into me, someone was pulling fur out of my ears, and someone was pulling the ticks off my body. It hurt so much but I didn't try to bite any of them because I know they are trying to help me feel better.

I was whisked off to the groomer next to get rid of the horrible ticks and stench. The groomer shaved off my fur. I don't like it but I know they had no choice.

500. That was the number of ticks I had on my body.

I am now in my foster home. For the first time, I know what love is and how a caring touch feels like. It does not hurt like the hand that hit me last time.

I am finally safe.


Just rescued from SPCA. His fur was extremely matted and he had a terrible stench. However his eyes were full of hope and gratitude.

Trying to pluck out the ticks on Bailey. Despite all the pain and discomfort, he did not struggled a single bit and he smiled in gratitude.

No of ticks plucked out within the first 5 mins. Blood filled ticks

Huge ticks on his back

Bad ear infection. The ears were so congested, the vet could not even stick a cotton bud stick in to take a swap. The vet took very long to clean up the ears and despite all the pain, he didn't not even once attempt to growl or bite.

Extremely long nails.

Shaven down to detick at the groomer. Bailey had 500 ticks on him. Imagine the pain he went through.

On 8 March 2012, Bailey the male Miniature Schnauzer was bailed out of the SPCA.

His body was filled with more than 500 huge and tiny ticks that were feeding and sucking on the poor dog's blood. His body was extremely smelly as he probably hadn't had a bath in recent times.

He has gone to the vet for a comprehensive health check and despite his condition, he does not have any major health issues. He was just prescribed eye drops for his dry eyes and medication for his badly infected ear.

Bailey is currently under foster care, and he is looking for a loving home to go to, where he will no longer have to suffer. If you are able to adopt him or know of anyone who is able to, please contact me as soon as possible.


Name: Bailey
Sex: Male
Age: Est 4-5 years old
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Temperament: Excellent. Good with people, children and other dogs. Did not attempt to bite or growl throughout the entire visit to the vet. No problems with car rides either.

If you would like to give Bailey a loving home, please email me at riko 8 @ yahoo . com [please delete the spaces]

animal communication, animals, bailey

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