
Jan 04, 2012 21:21

I don't know to laugh or cry.

Bambi paper trained to pee and poo on the newspaper that is placed in the hallway.. This wk he did sth amazing. He went into the master bedroom toilet and poo beside the toilet bowl twice.. It had nv happened before. So we closed the bedroom door to stop him from going in. He then keep going into the common toilet and smell around the area and we had to close that door too.

I was wondering why he kept walking in to the toilet. Turns out, he wants to do his business in the toilet think he's part of the family and since all of us do our business in the toilet, he thinks he should too and there's nothing wrong with that.

Bambi even said its less troublesome since we don't need to clean up and wipe the area in the hallway. I was wondering how come he thinks it is troublesome...

Guess what? When I asked my mum did she complained he's troublesome when I was away on the trip... she said she sometimes commented that after Bambi peed and pooed and she had to clean up.

Such a cheeky boy.

I'm happy he feel he is part of the family and he behaves like one too. Whenever its meal time, it makes it his job to call everyone to the table and eat together with us. :)

He is getting more comfortable at home now, he used to only sit/lie in 3 particular corners at home. Now I see him spawning all over the house. I'm happy he is settling in well. Hope I can slowly help him get over his insecurities and fears. He still doesn't like to go out for fear of being abandoned and he is still very scared of other dogs and people.

Brought him to ECP and he enjoyed the breeze but not the people. Oh well. Baby step at a time. :)

Jia you baby.

animal communication, bambi

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