Mid-week stock take. Giving thanks.

Jun 22, 2011 10:41

I'm feeling a lot of negativity lately and have been feeling down, burned out and sick (literally).

Taking a moment to do a stock take, to give thanks for the simple things in life. Purge out the negativity and fill myself with some positive energy.

Today's mantra shall be: I CAN DO IT!

1. I've been feeling down because of dissonance at work, its a dread going to work. Swamped to my eyeballs with crap.

-> Today I shall give thanks that I'm blessed to have a job that puts decent food on the table.

2. I'm swamped with the voluntary work. Adoption drive coming up, coordinating is quite a task on top of my full time work. I still owe some articles for the blog (no time to think about it yet).

-> Today, I shall give thanks that I have the capacity to help. It is something that I really enjoyed doing but I'm just quite overwhelmed at the moment with work and personal issues.

3. I'm sick! The blocked nose refused to go away and its blocking my ears, and I sound like Donald duck to myself. Throat is acting up too.

-> Today I shall give thanks that it is just a blocked nose and nothing too serious.

Ok, back to crap now.

What I need is probably some me time. Well, that will come later... when I can find the time. For now, I just have to push on.
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